Fellow Townsmen
The shepherd on the east hill could shout out lambing intelligence to the shepherd on the west hill, over the intervening town chimneys, with out great inconvenience to his voice, so nearly did the steep pastures encroach upon the burghers’' back-yards. And at night it was possible to stand in the very midst of the town and hear from their native paddocks on the lower levels of greensward the mild lowing of the farmers' heifers, and the profound, warm blowings of breath in which those creatures indulge. But the community which had jammed itself in the valley thus flanked formed a veritable town, with a real mayor and corporation, and a staple manufacture.
During a certain damp evening five-and-thirty years ago, before the twilight was far advanced, a pedestrian of professional appearance carrying a small bag in his hand and an elevated umbrella, was descending one of these hills by the turnpike-road when he was overtaken by a phaeton.
"Holloa, Downe! is that you?" said the driver of the vehicle, a young man of pale and refined appearance. "Jump up here with me, and ride down to your door. "
The other turned a plump, cheery rather self-indulgent face over his shoulder toward the hailer.
"Oh, good evening, Mr. Barnet! thanks," he said, and mounted beside his acquaintance.
They were fellow-burgesses of the town which lay beneath them, but though old and very good friends, they were differently circumstanced. Barnet was a richer man than the struggling young lawyer Downe -- a fact which was to some extent perceptible in Downe's manner toward his companion, though nothing of it ever showed in Barnet's manner toward the solicitor. Barnet's position in the town was none of his own making; his father had been a very successful flax merchant in the same place, where the trade was still carried on as briskly as the small capacities of its quarters would allow. Having acquired a fair fortune, old Mr. Barnet had retired from business, bringing up his son as a gentleman-burgher, and, it must be added, as a well-educated, liberal-minded young man.
"How is Mrs. Barnet?" asked Downe.
"Mrs. Barnet was very well when I left home," the other answered, constrainedly, exchanging his meditative regard of the horse for one of self-consciousness.
Mr. Downe seemed to regret his inquiry, and immediately took up another thread of conversation. He congratulated his friend on his election as a councilman; he though the had not seen him since that event took place; Mrs. Downe had meant to call and congratulate Mrs. Barnet, but he feared that she had failed to do so as yet.
Barnet seemed hampered in his replies. "We should have been glad to see you. I -- my wife would welcome Mrs. Downe at any time, as you know.... Yes, I am a member of the corporation -- rather an inexperienced member, some of them say. It is quite true; and I should have declined the honor as premature -- having other things on my hands just now, too -- if it had not been pressed upon me so very heartily."
"There is one thing you have on your hands which I can never quite see the necessity for," said Downe, with good-humored freedom.
"What the deuce do you want to build that new mansion for, when you have already got such an excellent house as the one you live in?"
Barnet's face acquired a warmer shade of color; but as the question had been idly asked by the solicitor while regarding the surrounding flocks and fields, he answered after a moment, with no apparent embarrassment.
"Well, we wanted to get out of the town, you know; the house I am living in is rather old and inconvenient."
Mr. Downe declared that he had chosen a pretty site for the new building. They would be able to see for miles and miles from the windows. Was he going to give it a name? he supposed so.
Barnet thought not. There was no other house near that was likely to be mistaken for it. And he did not care for a name.
"But I think it has a name!" Downe observed. "I went past -- when was it? – this morning; and I saw something -- 'Chateau Ringdale,' I think it was, stuck up on a board!"
"It was an idea she -- we had for a short time," said Barnet, hastily. "But we have decided finally to do without a name -- at any rate, such a name as that. It must have been a week ago that you saw it. It was taken down last Saturday. Upon that matter I am firm!" he added, grimly.
Downe murmured in an unconvinced tone that he thought he had seen it yesterday.
Talking thus, they drove into the town. The street was unusually still for the hour of seven in the evening; an increasing drizzle had prevailed since the afternoon, and now formed a gauze across the yellow lamps, and trickled with a gentle rattle down the heavy roofs of stone tile, that bent the house-ridges hollow-backed with its weight, and in some instances caused the walls to bulge outward in the upper story. Their route took them past the little town-hall, the Black Bull Hotel, and onward to the junction of a small street on the right, consisting of a row of those two-and-two brick residences of no particular age, which are exactly alike wherever found, except in the people they contain.
"Wait -- I'll drive you up to your door," said Barnet, when Downe prepared to alight at the corner. He thereupon turned into the narrow street, when the faces of three little girls could be discerned close to the panes of a lighted window a few yards ahead, surmounted by that of a young matron, the gaze of all four being directed eagerly up the empty street. "You are a fortunate fellow, Downe," Barnet continued, as mother and children disappeared from the window to run to the door. "You must be happy if anyman is. I would give a hundred such houses as my new one to have a home like yours."
"Well, yes, we get along pretty comfortably," replied Downe, complacently.
"That house, Downe, is none of my ordering," Barnet broke out, revealing a bitterness hitherto suppressed, and checking the horse a moment to finish his speech before delivering up his passenger. "The house I have already is good enough for me, as you supposed. It is my own freehold; it was built by my grandfather, and is stout enough for a castle. My father was born there, lived there, and died there. I was born there, and have always lived there; yet. I must needs build a new one.'
"Why do you?" said Downe.
"Why do I? To preserve peace in the household. I do anything for that; but I don't succeed. I was firm in resisting 'Chateau Ringdale,' however; not that I would not have
put up with the absurdity of the name, but it was too much to have your house christened after Lord Ringdale, because your wife once had a fancy for him. If you only knew everything, you would think all attempt at reconciliation hopeless. In your happy home you have had no such experiences; and God forbid that you ever should. See, here they are all ready to receive you!"
"Of course! And so will your wife be waiting to receive you," said Downe. "Take my word for it, she will! And with a dinner prepared for you far better than mine."
"I hope so," Barnet replied, dubiously.
He moved on to Downe's door, which the solicitor’s family had already opened. Downe descended, but being encumbered with his bag and umbrella, his foot slipped, and he fell upon his knees in the gutter.
"Oh, my dear Charles!" said his wife, running down the steps; and, quite ignoring the presence of Barnet, she seized hold of her husband, pulled him to his feet, and kissed him, exclaiming, "I hope you are not hurt, darling!" The children crowded round, chiming in piteously, "Poor papa!"
"He's all right," said Barnet, perceiving that Downe was only a little muddy, and looking more at the wife than at the husband. Almost at any other time – certainly during his fastidious bachelor years -- he would have thought her a too demonstrative woman; but those recent circumstances of his own life to which he had just alluded made Mrs. Downe's solicitude so affecting that his eye grew damp as he witnessed it. Bidding the lawyer and his family good-night, he left them, and drove slowly into the main street toward his own house.
The heart of Barnet was sufficiently impressionable to be influenced by Downe's parting prophecy that he might not be so unwelcome home as he imagined; the dreary night might, at least on this one occasion, make Downe's forecast true. Hence it was ina suspense that he could hardly have believed possible that he halted at his door. On entering, his wife was nowhere to be seen, and he inquired for her. The servant informed him that her mistress had the dressmaker with her, and would be engaged forsome time.
"Dressmaker at this time of day!"
"She dined early, sir, and hopes you will excuse her joining you this evening.
"But she knew I was coming tonight?"
"Oh yes, sir."
"Go up and tell I her I am come."
The servant did so; but the mistress of the house merely repeated her former words.
Barnet said nothing more, and presently sat down to his lonely meal, which was eaten abstractedly, the domestic scene he had lately witnessed still impressing him by its contrast with the situation here. His mind fell back into past years upon a certain pleasing and gentle being whose face would loom out of their shades at such times as these. Barnet turned in his chair, and looked with unfocused eyes in a direction southward from where he sat, as if he saw not the room but a long way beyond. "I wonder if she lives there still!" he said.
He rose with a sudden rebelliousness, put on his hat and coat, and went out of the house, pursuing his way along the glistening pavement while eight o'clock was striking from St. Mary's tower, and the apprentices and shopmen were slamming up the shutters from end to end of the town. In two minutes only those shops which could boast of no attendant save the master or the mistress remained with open eyes. These were ever somewhat less prompt to exclude customers than the others; for their owners' ears the closing-hour had scarcely the cheerfulness that it possessed for the hired servants of the rest. Yet, the night being dreary, the delay was not for long, and theirwindows, too, blinked together one by one.
During this time Barnet had proceeded with decided step in a direction at right angles to the broad main thoroughfare of the town, by a long street leading due southward. Here, though his family had no more to do with the flax manufacture, his own name occasionally greeted him on gates and warehouses, being used allusively by small rising tradesmen as a recommendation, in such words as "Smith, from Barnet &Co." -- "Robinson, late manager at Barnet's." The sight led him to reflect upon his father's busy life, and he questioned if it had not been far happier than his own.
The houses along the road became fewer, and presently open ground appeared between them on either side, the tract on the right hand rising to a higher level till it merged in a knoll. On the summit a row of builders’ scaffold-poles probed the indistinct sky like spears, and at their bases could be discerned the lower courses of a building lately begun. Barnet slackened his pace and stood for a few moments without leading the center of the road, apparently not much interested in the sight, till suddenly his eye was caught by a post in the fore part of the ground, bearing a white board at the top. He went to the rails, vaulted over, and walked in far enough to discern painted upon the board, "Chateau Ringdale."
A dismal irony seemed to lie in the words, and its effect was to irritate him. Downe, had then spoken truly. He stuck his umbrella into the sod, and seized the post with both hands, as if intending to loosen and throw it down. Then, like one bewildered by an opposition which would exist none the less though its manifestations were removed, he allowed his arms to sink to his side.
"Let it be," he said to himself. "I have declared there shall be peace – if possible."
Taking up his umbrella, he quietly left the inclosure, and went on his way, still keeping his back to the town. He had advanced with more decision since passing the new building, and soon a hoarse murmur rose upon the gloom; it was the sound of the sea. The road led to the harbor, at a distance of a mile from the town, from which the trade of the district was fed. After seeing the obnoxious name-board, Barnet had forgotten to open his umbrella and the rain tapped smartly on his hat, and occasionally stroked his face as he went on.
Though the lamps were still continued at the road-side, they stood at wider intervals than before, and the pavement had given place to common road. Every time he came to a lamp an increasing shine made itself visible upon his shoulders, till at last they quite glistened with wet. The murmur from the shore grew stronger, but it was still some distance off when he paused before one of the smallest of the detached houses by the way-side, standing in its own garden, the latter being divided from the road by a row of wooden palings. Scrutinizing the spot to insure that he was not mistaken, he opened the gate and gently knocked at the cottage door.
When he had patiently waited minutes enough to lead any man in ordinary cases to knock again, the door was heard to open; though it was impossible to see by whose hand, there being no light in the passage. Barnet said at random, "Does Miss Savile live here?"
A youthful voice assured him that she did live there, and by a sudden after-thought asked him to come in. It would soon get a light, it said; but the night being wet, mother had not thought it worth while to trim the passage lamp.
"Don't trouble yourself to get a light for me," said Barnet, hastily; "it is not necessary at all. Which is Miss Savile's sitting-room?"
The young person, whose white pinafore could just be discerned, signified a door in the side of the passage, and Barnet went forward at the same moment, so that no light should fall upon his face. On entering the room he closed the door behind him, pausing till he heard the retreating footsteps of the child.
He found himself in an apartment which was simply and neatly, though not poorly furnished; everything, from the miniature chiffonier to the shining little daguerreotype which formed the central ornament of the mantel-piece, being in scrupulous order. The picture was inclosed by a frame of embroidered cardboard -- evidently the work of feminine hands -- and it represented a thin-faced, elderly lieutenant in the navy. From behind the lamp on the table a female form now rose into view: it was that of a young girls and a resemblance between her and the portrait was early discoverable. She had been so absorbed in some occupation on the other side of the lamp as to have barely found time to realize her visitor's presence.
They both remained standing for a few seconds without speaking. The face that confronted Barnet had a beautiful outline; the Raphaelesque oval of its contour was remarkable for an English countenance, and that countenance housed in a remote country-road to an unheard-of harbor. But her features did not do justice to this splendid beginning: Nature had recollected that she was not in Italy; and the young lady's lineaments, though not so inconsistent as to make her plain, would have been accepted rather as pleasing than as correct. The preoccupied expression which, like images on the retina, remained with her for a moment after the state that caused it had ceased, now changed into a reserved, half-proud, and slightly indignant look, in which the blood diffused itself quickly across her cheek, and additional brightness broke the shade of her rather heavy eyes.
"I know I have no business here," he said, answering the look; "but I had a great wish to see you, and inquire how you were. You can give your hand to me, seeing how often I have held it in past days?"
"I would rather forget than remember all that, Mr. Barnet," she answered, as she coldly complied with the request. "When I think of the circumstances of our last meeting I can hardly consider it kind of you to allude to such a thing as our past, or, indeed, to come here at all."
"There was no harm in it surely? I don't trouble you often, Lucy."
"I have not had the honor of a visit from you for a very long time, certainly, and I did not expect it now, she said, with the same stiffness in her air. "I hope Mrs. Barnet is very well?"
"Yes, yes!" he impatiently returned. "At least I suppose so -- though I only speak from inference.
"But she is your wife, sir," said the young girl, tremulously.
The unwonted tones of a man's voice in that feminine chamber had startled a canary that was roosting in its cage by the window; the bird awoke hastily, and fluttered against the bars. She went and stilled it by laying her face against the cage and murmuring a coaxing sound. It might partly have been done to still herself.
"I didn't come to talk of Mrs. Barnet," he pursued; "I came to talk of you, of yourself alone; to inquire how you are getting on since your great loss." And he turned toward the portrait of her father.
"I am getting on fairly well, thank you."
The force of her utterance was scarcely borne out by her look; but Barnet courteously reproached himself for not having guessed a thing so natural; and to dissipate all embarrassment, added, as he bent over the table, "What were you doing when I came? -- painting flowers, and by candle-light?"
"Oh no," she said, "not painting them -- only sketching the outlines. I do that at night to save time -- I have to get three dozen done by the end of the month.
Barnet looked as if he regretted it deeply. "You will wear your poor eyes out," he said, with more sentiment than he had hitherto shown. "You ought not to do it. There was a time when I should have said you must not. Well -- I almost wish I had never seen light with my own eyes when I think of that!"
"Is this a time or place for recalling such matters?" she asked, with dignity. "You used to have a gentlemanly respect for me, and for yourself. Don't speak any more as you have spoken, and don't come again. I cannot think that this visit is serious, or was closely considered by you."
"Considered! Well, I came to see you as an old and good friend; not to mince matters, to visit a woman I loved. Don't be angry! I could not help doing it, so many things brought you into my mind....This evening I fell in with an acquaintance, and when I saw how happy he was with his wife and family welcoming him home, though with only one-tenth of my income and chances, and thought what might have been in my case, it fairly broke down my discretion, and off I came here. Now I am here I feel that I am wrong to some extent. But the feeling that I should like to see you, and talk of those we used to know in common, was very strong."
"Before that can be the case, a little more time must pass," said Miss Savile, quietly; "a time long enough for me to regard with some calmness what at present I remember far too impatiently -- though it may be you almost forget it. Indeed you must have forgotten it long before you acted as you did." Her voice grew stronger and more vivacious as she added, "But I am doing my best to forget it too; and I know I shall succeed, from the progress I have made already! "
She had remained standing till now, when she turned and sat down, facing half away from him.
Barnet watched her moodily. "Yes, it is only what I deserve," he said. "Ambition pricked me on -- no, it was not ambition, it was wrong-headedness! Had I but reflected.... " He broke out vehemently, "But always remember this, Lucy: if you had written tome only one little line after that misunderstanding, I declare I should have come back to you. That ruined me!" He slowly walked as far as the little room would allow him to go, and remained with his eyes on the skirting.
"But, Mr. Barnet," how could I write to you? There was no opening for my doing so."
"Then there ought to have been," said Barnet, turning. "That was my fault!"
"Well, I don't know anything about that; but as there had been nothing said by me which required any explanation by letter, I did not send one. Everything was so indefinite, and, feeling your position to be so much wealthier than mine, I fancied I might have mistaken your meaning. And when I heard of the other lady -- a woman of whose family even you might be proud -- I thought how foolish I had been, and said nothing.
"Then, I suppose it was destiny -- accident -- I don't know what, that separated us, dear Lucy. Anyhow, you were the woman I ought to have made my wife -- and I let you slip, like the foolish man that I was!"
"Oh, Mr. Barnet," she said, almost in tears, "don't revive the subject to me; I am the wrong one to console you. Think, sir. You should not be here -- it would be so bad for me if it were known!"
"It would -- it would indeed," he said, hastily. "I am not right in doing this, and I won't do it again."
"It is a very common folly of human nature, you know, to think the course you did not adopt must have been the best," she continued, with gentle solicitude, as she followed him to the door of the room. "And you don't know that I should have accepted you, even if you had asked me to be your wife." At this his eye met hers, and she dropped her gaze. She knew that her voice belied her. There was a silence till she looked up to add, in a voice of soothing playfulness, "My family was so much poorer than yours, even before I lost my dear father, that perhaps your companions would have made it unpleasant for us on account of my deficiencies."
"Your disposition would soon have won them round," said Barnet.
She archly expostulated, "Now, never mind my disposition; try to make it up withyour wife. Those are my commands to you. And now you are to leave me at once."
"I will. I must make the best of it all, I suppose," he replied, more cheerfully than he had as yet spoken. "But I shall never again meet with such a dear girl as you!" And he suddenly opened the door, and left her alone. When his glance again fell on the lamps that were sparsely ranged along the dreary level road, his eyes were in a state which showed straw-like motes of light radiating from each flame into the surrounding air.
On the other side of the way Barnet observed a man under an umbrella, walking parallel with himself. Presently this man left the foot-way, and gradually converged on Barnet’s course. The latter then saw that it was Charlson, a surgeon of the town, who owed him money. Charlson was a man not without ability; yet he did not prosper. Sundry circumstances stood in his way as a medical practitioner; he was needy; he was not a coddle; he gossiped with men instead of with women; he had married a stranger instead of one of the town young ladies; and he was given to conversational buffoonery. Moreover, his look was quite erroneous. Those only proper features in the family doctor, the quiet eye, and the thin, straight, passionless lips which never curl in public either for laughter or for scorn, were not his; he had a full curved mouth, and a bold black eye that made timid people nervous. His companions were what in old times would have been called boon companions -- an expression which, though of irreproachable root, suggests fraternization carried to the point of unscrupulousness. All this was against him in the little town of his adoption.
Charlson had been in difficulties, and to oblige him Barnet had put his name to a bill; and, as he had expected, was called upon to meet it when it fell due. It had been a matter of only fifty pounds, which Barnet could well afford to lose, and he bore no ill-will to the thriftless surgeon on account of it. But Charlson had a little too much brazen indifferentism in his composition to be altogether a desirable acquaintance.
"I hope to be able to make that little bill-business right with you in the course of three weeks, Mr. Barnet, " said Charlson, with hail- fellow friendliness.
Barnet replied good-naturedly that there was no hurry.
This particular three weeks had moved on in advance of Charlson's present with the precision of a shadow for some considerable time.
"I’ve had a dream," Charlson continued. Barnet knew from his tone that the surgeon was going to begin his characteristic nonsense, and did not encourage him, "I've had a dream," repeated Charlson, who required no encouragement. "I dreamed that a gentleman, who has been very kind to me, married a haughty lady in haste, before he had quite forgotten a nice little girl he knew before, and that one wet evening, like the present, as I was walking up the harbor-road, I saw him come out of that dear little girl's present abode."
Barnet glanced toward the speaker. The rays from a neighboring lamp struck through the drizzle under Charlson's umbrella, so as just to illumine his face against the shade behind, and show that his eye was turned up under the outer corner of its lid, whence it leered with impish jocoseness as he thrust his tongue into his cheek.
"Come," said Barnet, gravely, "we'll have no more of that."
"No, no -- of course not," Charlson hastily answered, seeing that his humor had carried him too far, as it had done many times before. He was profuse in his apologies, but Barnet did not reply. Of one thing he was certain -- that scandal was a plant of quickroot, and that he was bound to obey Lucy's injunction for Lucy's own sake.
He did so to the letter; and though, as the crocus followed the snow-drop and the daffodil the crocus in Lucy’s garden, the harbor-road was a not unpleasant place to walk in, Barnet's feet never trod its stones, much less approached her door. He avoided a saunter that way as he would have avoided a dangerous dram and took his airings along distance northward, among severely square and brown plowed fields, where no other townsman came. Sometimes he went round by the lower lanes of the borough, where the rope-walks stretched in which his family formerly had share, and looked at the rope-makers walking backward, overhung by apple-trees and bushes, and intruded on by cows and calves, as if trade had established itself there at considerable inconvenience to Nature.
One morning, when the sun was so warm as to raise a steam from the southeastern slopes of those flanking hills that looked so lovely above the old roofs, but made every low-chimneyed house in the town as smoky as Tophet, Barnet glanced from the windows of the town-council room for lack of interest in what was proceeding within. Several members of the corporation were present, but there was not much business doing, and in a few minutes Downe came leisurely across to him, saying that he seldom saw Barnet now.
Barnet owned that he was not often present.
Downe looked at the crimson curtain which hung down beside the panes, reflecting its hot hues into their faces, and then out of the window. At that moment the repassed along the street a tall, commanding lady, in whom the solicitor recognized Barnet's wife. Barnet had done the same thing, and turned away.
"It will be all right some day," said Downe, with cheering sympathy. "You have heard, then, of her last outbreak?"
Downe depressed his cheerfulness to its very reverse in a moment. "No, I have not heard of anything serious," he said, with as long a face as one naturally round could be turned into at short notice. "I only hear vague reports of such things."
"You may think it will be all right," said Barnet, dryly; "but I have a different opinion...No, Downe, we must look the thing in the face. Not poppy nor mandragora --however, how are your wife and children?"
Downe said that they were all well, thanks; they were out that morning somewhere; he was just looking to see if they were walking that way. Ah, there they were, just coming down the street, and Downe pointed to the figures of two children with a nurse-maid and a lady walking behind them.
"You will come out and speak to her?" he asked.
"Not this morning. The fact is, I don't care to speak to anybody just now."
"You are too sensitive, Mr. Barnet. At school I remember you used to get as red as a rose if anybody uttered a word that hurt your feelings."
Barnet mused. "Yes," he admitted, "there is a grain of truth in that. It is because of that I often try to make peace at home. Life would be tolerable then at any rate, even if not particularly bright."
"I have thought more than once of proposing a little plan to you," said Downe, with some hesitation. "I don't know whether it will meet your views; but take it or leave it, as you choose. In fact, it was my wife who suggested it; that she would be very glad to call on Mrs. Barnet aid get into her confidence. She seems to think that Mrs. Barnet is rather alone in the town, and without advisers. Her impression is that your wife will listen to reason. Emily has a wonderful way of winning the hearts of people of her own sex."
"And of the other sex too, I think. She is a charming woman, and you were a lucky fellow to find her."
"Well, perhaps I was," simpered Downe, trying to wear an aspect of being the last man in the world to feel pride. "However, she will be likely to find out what ruffles Mrs.Barnet. Perhaps it is some misunderstanding, you know -- something that she is too proud to ask you to explain, or some little thing in your conduct that irritates her because she does not fully comprehend you. The truth is, Emily would have been more ready to make advances if she bad been quite sure of her fitness for Mrs. Barnet's society, who has of course been accustomed to London people of good position, which made Emily fearful of intruding."
Barnet expressed his warmest thanks for the well-intentioned proposition. There was reason in Mrs. Downe's fear -- that be owned. "But do let her call," he said. "There is no woman in England I would so soon trust on such an errand. I am afraid there willnot be any brilliant result; still, I shall take it as the kindest and nicest thing if she will tryit, and not be frightened at a repulse."
When Barnet and Downe had parted the former went to the town savings-bank, of which he was a trustee, and endeavored to forget his troubles in the contemplation of low sums of money and figures in a network of red and blue lines. He sat and watched the working-people making their deposits, to which at intervals he signed his name. Before he left in the afternoon Downe put his head inside the door.
"Emily has seen Mrs. Barnet," he said, in a low voice. "She has got Mrs. Barnet's promise to take her for a drive down to the shore to-morrow, if it is fine. Good-afternoon!"
Barnet shook Downe by the hand without speaking, and Downe went away.
The next day was as fine as the arrangement could possibly require. As the sun passed the meridian and declined westward, the tall shadows from the scaffold-poles of Barnet’s rising residence streaked the ground as far as to the middle of the highway. Barnet himself was there inspecting the progress of the works for the first time during several weeks. A building in an old-fashioned town five-and-thirty years ago did not, as in the modern fashion rise from the sod like a booth at a fair. The foundations and lower courses were put in and allowed to settle for many weeks before the superstructure was built up, and a whole summer of drying was hardly sufficient to do justice to the important issues involved. Barnet stood within a window-niche which had as yet received no frame, and thence looked down a slope in to the road. The wheels of a chaise were heard, and then his handsome Xanthippe, in the company of Mrs. Downe, drove past on her way to the shore. They were driving slowly; there was a pleasing light in Mrs. Downe's face, which seemed faintly to reflect itself upon the countenance of her companion -- that – politessedu coeur which was so natural to her having possibly begun already to work results. But whatever the situation, Barnet resolved not to interfere, or do anything to hazard the glory of the day. He might well afford to trust the issue to another when he could never direct it but to ill himself. His wife's clinched rein-hand in its lemon-colored glove, her stiff, erect figure, clad in velvet and lace, and her boldly outlined face, passed on, exhibiting their owner as one fixed forever above the level of her companion-socially by her early breeding, and materially by her higher cushion.
Barnet decided to allow them a proper time to themselves, and then stroll down to the shore and drive them home. After lingering on at the house for another hour, he started with this intention. A few hundred yards below "Chateau Ringdale" stood the cottage in which the late lieutenant's daughter had her lodging. Barnet had not been so far that way for a long time, and as he approached the forbidden ground a curious warmth passed into him, which led him to perceive that, unless he were careful, he might have to fight the battle with himself about Lucy over again. A tenth of his present excuse would, however, have justified him in traveling by that road to-day.
He came opposite the dwelling, and turned his eyes for a momentary glance into the little garden that stretched from the palings to the door. Lucy was in the enclosure; she was walking and stooping to gather some flowers, possibly for the purpose of painting them, for she moved about quickly, as if anxious to save time. She did not see him; he might have passed unnoticed; but a sensation which was not in strict unison with his previous sentiments that day led him to pause in his walk and watch her. She went nimbly round and round the beds of anemones, tulips, jonquils, polyanthuses and other old-fashioned flowers, looking a very charming figure in her half-mourning bonnet, and with an incomplete nosegay in her left hand. Raising herself to pull down a lilac-blossom, she observed him.
"Mr. Barnet!" she said, innocently smiling. "Why, I have been thinking of you many times since your pony-carriage went by, and now here you are!"
"Yes, Lucy," he said.
Then she seemed to recall particulars of their last meeting, and he believed that she flushed, though it might have been only the fancy of his own supersensitiveness.
"I am going to the harbor," he added.
"Are you?" Lucy remarked, simply. A great many people begin to go there, now the summer is drawing on."
Her face had come more into his view as she spoke, and he noticed how much thinner and paler it was than when he had seen it last, "Lucy, how weary you look! tell me, can I help you?" he was going to cry out. "If I do," he thought, "it will be the ruin of us both." He merely said that the afternoon was fine, and went on his way.
As he went a sudden blast of air came over the hill as if in contradiction to his words, and spoiled the previous quiet of the scene. The wind had already shifted violently, and now smelled of the sea.
The harbor-road soon began to justify its name. A gap appeared in the rampart of hills which shut out the sea, and on the left of the opening rose a vertical cliff colored a burning orange by the sunlight, the companion cliff on the right being livid in shade. Between these cliffs, like the Libyan bay which sheltered the shipwrecked Trojans, was a little haven, seemingly a beginning made by Nature herself of a perfect harbor, which appealed to the passer-by as only requiring a little human industry to finish it and make it famous, the ground on each side as far back as the daisied slopes that bounded the interior valley being a mere layer of blown sand. But the Port-Bredy burgesses a mile inland had, in the course of ten centuries, responded many times to that mute appeal, with the result that the tides had invariably choked up their works with sand and shingle as soon as completed. There were but few houses here: a rough pier, a few boats, some stores, an inn, a residence or two, a ketch unloading in the harbor, were the chief features of the settlement. On the open ground by the shore stood his wife's pony-carriage, empty, the boy in attendance holding the horse.
When Barnet drew nearer he saw an indigo-colored spot moving swiftly along beneath the radiant base of the eastern cliff, which proved to be a man in a jersey, running with all his might. He held up his hand to Barnet, as it seemed, and they approached each other. 'The man was local, but a stranger to him.
"What is it, my man?" said Barnet.
"A terrible calamity!" the boatman hastily explained. Two ladies had been capsized in a boat -- they were Mrs. Downe and Mrs. Barnet, of the old town; they had driven down there that afternoon; they had alighted; and it was so fine that, after walking about a little while, they had been tempted to go out for a short sail round the cliff. Justas they were putting into the shore the wind shifted with a sudden gust, the boat listed over, and it was thought they were both drowned. How it could have happened was beyond his mind to fathom, for John Green knew how to sail a boat as well as any man there.
"Which is the way to the place? " said Barnet.
It was just round the cliff.
"Run to the carriage, and tell the boy to bring it to the place as soon as you can. Then go to the Harbor Inn and tell them to ride to town for a doctor. Have they been got out of the water?"
"One lady has."
"Mrs. Barnet. Mrs. Downe, it is feared, has fleeted out to sea.
Barnet ran on to that part of the shore which the cliff had hitherto obscured from his view, and there discerned, a long way ahead, a group of fishermen standing. As soon as he came up one or two recognized him, and, not liking to meet his eye, turned aside with misgiving. He went amid them and saw a small sailing-boat lying draggled at the water's edge; and, on the sloping shingle beside it, a soaked and sandy woman's form in the velvet dress and yellow gloves of his wife.
All had been done that could be done. Mrs. Barnet was in her own house under medical hands, but the result was still uncertain. Barnet had acted as if devotion to his wife were the dominant passion of his existence. There had been much to decide --whether to attempt restoration of the apparently lifeless body as it lay on the shore, whether to carry her to the Harbor Inn, whether to drive with her at once to his own house. The first course, with no skilled help or appliances near at hand, had seemed hopeless. The second course would have occupied nearly as much time as a drive to the town, owing to the intervening ridges of shingle and the necessity of crossing the harbor by boat to get to the house, added to which much time must have elapsed before a doctor could have arrived down there. By bringing her home in the carriage some precious moments had slipped by; but she had been laid in her own bed in seven minutes, a doctor called to her side, and every possible restorative brought to bear upon her.
At what a tearing pace he had driven up that road through the yellow evening sunlight, the shadows flapping irksomely into his eyes as each wayside object rushed past between him and the west. Tired workmen with their baskets at their backs had turned on their homeward journey to wonder at his speed. Half-way between the shore and Port-Bredy town he had met Charlson, who had been the first surgeon to hear of the accident. He was accompanied by his assistant in a gig. Barnet had sent on the latter to the coast in case that Downe's poor wife should by that time have been reclaimed from the waves, and had brought Charlson back with him to the house.
Barnet's presence was not needed here, and he felt it to be his next duty to setoff at once and find Downe, that no other than himself might break the news to him.
He was quite sure that no chance had been lost for Mrs. Downe by his leaving the shore. By the time that Mrs. Barnet had been laid in the carriage, a much larger group had assembled to lend assistance in finding her friend, rendering his own help superfluous. But the duty of breaking the news was made doubly painful by the circumstance that the catastrophe which had befallen Mrs. Downe was solely the result of her own and her husband's loving-kindness toward himself.
He found Downe in his office. When the solicitor comprehended the intelligence he turned pale, stood up, and remained for a moment perfectly still, as if bereft of his faculties; then his shoulders heaved, he pulled out his handkerchief and began to cry like a child. His sobs might have been heard in the next room. He seemed to have no idea of going to the shore, or of doing anything; but when Barnet took him gently by the hand, and proposed to start at once, he quietly acquiesced, neither uttering any further word nor making any effort to repress his tears.
Barnet accompanied him to the shore, where, finding that no trace had as yet been seen of Mrs. Downe, and that his stay would be of no avail, he left Downe with his friends and the young doctor and once more hastened back to his own house.
At the door he met Charlson. "Well?" Barnet said.
"I have just come down," said the doctor; "we have done everything, but without result. I sympathize with you in your bereavement."
Barnet did not much appreciate Charlson’s sympathy, which sounded to his ears as something of a mockery from the lips of a man who knew what Charlson knew about their domestic relations, indeed there seemed an odd spark in Charlson's full black eye as he said the words; but that might have been imaginary.
"And, Mr. Barnet," Charlson resumed, "that little matter between us -- I hope to settle it finally in three weeks at least."
"Never mind that now, said Barnet, abruptly. He directed the surgeon to go to the harbor in case his services might even now be necessary there; and himself entered the house.
The servants were coming from his wife’s chamber, looking helplessly at one another and at him. He passed them by and entered the room, where he stood mutely regarding the bed for a few minutes, after which he walked into his own dressing-room adjoining, and there paced up and down. In a minute or two he noticed what a strange and total silence had come over the upper part of the house; his own movements, muffled as they were by the carpet, seemed noisy; and his thoughts to disturb the air like articulate utterances. His eye glanced through the window. Far down the road to the harbor a roof detained his gaze; out of it rose a red chimney, and out of the red chimney a curl of smoke, as from a fire newly kindled. He had often seen such a sight before. In that house lived Lucy Savile, and the smoke was from the fire which was regularly lighted at this time to make her tea.
After that he went back to the bedroom, and stood there some time regarding his wife's silent form. She was a woman some years older than himself, but had not by any means over passed the maturity of good looks and vigor. Her passionate features, well-defined, firm, and statuesque in life, were doubly so now; her mouth and brow, beneath her purplish black hair, showed only too clearly that the turbulency of character which had made a bear-garden of his house had been no temporary phase of her existence. While he reflected, he suddenly said to himself, "I wonder if all has been done?"
The thought was led up to by his having fancied that his wife's features lacked incomplete form the expression which he had been accustomed to associate with the faces of those whose spirits have fled forever. The effacement of life was not so marked but that, entering uninformed, he might have supposed her sleeping. Her complexion was that seen in the numerous faded portraits by Sir Joshua Reynolds; it was pallid in comparison with life, but there was visible on a close inspection the remnant of what had once been a flush; the keeping between the cheeks and the hollows of the face being thus preserved, although positive color was gone. Long orange rays of evening sun stole in through chinks in the blind, striking on the large mirror, and being thence reflected upon the crimson hangings and wood-work of the heavy bedstead, so that the general tone of light was remarkably warm; and it was probable that something might be due to this circumstance. Still the fact impressed him as strange. Charlson had been gone more than a quarter of an hour; could it be possible that he had left too soon, and that his attempts to restore her had operated so sluggishly as only now to have made themselves felt? Barnet laid his hand upon her chest, and fancied that ever and anon a faint flutter of palpitation, gentle as that of a butterfly's wing, disturbed the stillness there -- ceasing for a time, then struggling to goon, then breaking down in weakness and ceasing again.
Barnet's mother had been an active practitioner of the healing art among her poorer neighbors, and her inspirations had all been derived from an active volume of Domestic Medicine, which at this moment was lying, as it had lain for many years, on a shelf in Barnet's dressing-room. He hastily fetched it, and there read, under the head "Drowning":
"Exertions for the recovery of any person who has not been immersed for a longer period than half an hour should be continued for at least four hours, as there have been many cases in which returning life has made itself visible even after a longer interval.
"Should, however, a weak action of any of the organs show itself when the case seems almost hopeless, our efforts must be redoubled; the feeble spark in this case requires to be solicited; it will certainly disappear under a relaxation of labor."
Barnet looked at his watch; it was now barely two hours and a half from the time when he had first heard of the accident. He threw aside the book, and turned quickly to reach a stimulant which had previously been used. Pulling up the blind for more light, his eye glanced out of the window.
There he saw that red chimney still smoking cheerily, and that roof, and through the roof that somebody. His mechanical movements stopped, his hand remained on the blind-cord, and he seemed to become breathless, as if he had suddenly found himself treading a high rope.
While he stood a sparrow lighted on the window-sill, saw him, and flew away. Next a man and a dog walked over one of the green hills which bulged above the roofsof the town. But Barnet took no notice.
We may wonder what were the exact images that passed through his mind during those minutes of gazing upon Lucy Savile's house, the sparrow, the man and the dog, and Lucy Savile's house again. There are honest men who will not admit to their thoughts, even as idle hypotheses, views of the future that assume as done a deed which they would recoil from doing; and there are other honest men for whom morality ends at the surface of their own heads, who will deliberate what the first will not so much as suppose. Barnet had a wife whose presence distracted his home; she now lay as in death; by merely doing nothing -- by letting the intelligence which had gone forth to the world lie undisturbed -- he would effect such a deliverance for himself as he had never hoped for, and open up an opportunity of which till now he had never dreamed. Whether the conjuncture had arisen through any unscrupulous, ill-considered impulse of Charlson to help out of a strait the friend who was so kind as never to press him for what was due could not be told; there was nothing to prove it; and it was a question which could never be asked. The triangular situation -- himself, his wife, Lucy Savile – was the one clear thing.
From Barnet's actions we may infer that he supposed such and such a result for a moment, but did not deliberate. He withdrew his hazel eyes from the scene without, calmly turned, rang the bell for assistance, and vigorously exerted himself to learn if life still lingered in that motionless frame. In a short time another surgeon was in attendance, and then Barnet's surmise, proved to be true. The slow life timidly heaved again; but much care and patience were needed to catch and retain it, and a considerable period elapsed before it could be said with certainty that Mrs. Barnet lived. When this was the case, and there was no further room for doubt, Barnet left the chamber. The blue evening smoke from Lucy's chimney had died down to an imperceptible stream, and as he walked about downstairs he murmured to himself, "My wife was dead, and she is alive again."
It is not so with Downe. After three hours' immersion his wife's body had been recovered, life, of course, being quite extinct. Barnet, on descending, went straight to his friend's house, and there learned the result. Downe was helpless in his wild grief, occasionally even hysterical. Barnet said little, but finding that some guiding hand was necessary in the sorrow-stricken household, took upon him to supervise and manage till Downe should be in a state of mind to do so for himself.
One September evening, four months later, when Mrs. Barnet was in perfect health, and Mrs. Downe but a weakening memory, an errand-boy paused to rest himself in front of Mr. Barnet's old house, depositing his basket on one of the window-sills. The street was not yet lighted, but there were lights in the house, and at intervals a flitting shadow fell upon the blind at his elbow. Words, also, were audible from the same apartment, and they seemed to be those of persons in violent altercation. But the boy could not gather their purport, and he went on his way.
Ten minutes afterward the door of Barnet's house opened, and a tall, closely veiled lady in a traveling-dress came out and descended the freestone steps. The servant stood in the doorway watching her as she went with a measured tread down the street. When she had been out of sight for some minutes Barnet appeared at the door from within.
"Did your mistress leave word where she was going?" he asked.
"No, sir."
"Is the carriage ordered to meet her anywhere?"
"No, sir."
"Did she take a latch-key?"
"No, sir."
Barnet went in again, sat down in his chair, and leaned back. Then in solitude and silence he brooded over the bitter emotions that filled his heart. It was for this that he had gratuitously restored her to life, and made his union with another impossible! The evening drew on, and nobody came to disturb him. At bedtime he told the servants to retire, that he would sit up for Mrs. Barnet himself; and when they were gone he leaned his head upon his hand and mused for hours.
The clock struck one, two; still his wife came not, and, with impatience added to depression, he went from room to room till another weary hour had passed. This was not altogether a new experience for Barnet; but she had never before so prolonged her absence. At last he sat down again and fell asleep.
He awoke at six o'clock to find that she had not returned. In searching about the rooms he discovered that she had taken a case of jewels which had been hers before her marriage. At eight a note was brought him; it was from his wife, in which she stated that she had gone by the coach to the house of a distant relative near London, and expressed a wish that certain boxes, articles of clothing, and so on, might be sent to her forthwith. The note was brought to him by a waiter at the Black Bull Hotel, and had been written by Mrs. Barnet immediately before she took her place in the stage.
By the evening this order was carried out, and Barnet, with a sense of relief, walked out into the town. A fair had been held during the day, and the large clear moon which rose over the most prominent hill flung its light upon the booths and standings that still remained in the street, mixing its rays curiously with those from the flaring naphtha lamps. The town was full of country-people who had come in to enjoy themselves, and on this account Barnet strolled through the streets unobserved. With a certain recklessness he made for the harbor-road, and presently found himself by the shore, where he walked on till he came to the spot near which his friend the kindly Mrs. Downe had lost her life, and his own wife’s life had been preserved. A tremulous pathway of bright moonshine now stretched over the water, which had ingulfed them, and not a living soul was near.
Here he ruminated on their characters, and next on the young girl in whom he now took a more sensitive interest than at the time when he had been free to marry her. Nothing, so far as he was aware, had ever appeared in his own conduct to show that such an interest existed. He had made it a point of the utmost strictness to hinder that feeling from influencing in the faintest degree his attitude toward his wife; and this was made all the more easy for him by the small demand Mrs. Barnet made upon his attentions, for which she ever evinced the greatest contempt; thus unwittingly giving him the satisfaction of knowing that their severance owed nothing to jealousy, or, indeed, to any personal behavior of his at all. Her concern was not with him or his feelings, as she frequently told him; but that she had, in a moment of weakness, thrown herself away upon a common burgher when she might have aimed at, and possibly brought down, a peer of the realm. Her frequent depreciation of Barnet in these terms had at times been so intense that he was sorely tempted to retaliate on her egotism by owning that he loved at the same low level on which he lived; but prudence had prevailed, for which he was now thankful.
Something seemed to sound upon the shingle behind him over and above the raking of the wave. He looked round, and a slight girlish shape appeared quite close to him. He could not see her face because it was in the direction of the moon.
"Mr. Barnet?" the rambler said, in timid surprise. The voice was the voice of Lucy Savile.
"Yes," said Barnet. "How can I repay you for this pleasure?"
"I only came because the night was so clear. I am now on my way home. "
"I am glad we have met. I want to know if you will let me do something for you, to give me an occupation, as an idle man? I am sure I ought to help you, for I know you are almost without friends.
She hesitated. "Why should you tell me that?" she said.
"In the hope that you will be frank with me."
"I am not altogether without friends here. But I am going to make a little change in my life -- to go out as a teacher of free-hand drawing and practical perspective, of course I mean on a comparatively humble scale, because I have not been specially educated for that profession. But I am sure I shall like it much."
"You have an opening?"
"I have not exactly got it, but I have advertised for one."
"Lucy, you must let me help you!"
"Not at all."
"You need not think it would compromise you, or that I am indifferent to delicacy. I bear in mind how we stand. It is very unlikely that you will succeed as teacher of the class you mention, so let me do something of a different kind for you. Say what you would like, and it shall be done."
"No; if I can't be a drawing-mistress or governess, or something of that sort, I shall go to India and join my brother."
"I wish I could go abroad, anywhere, everywhere with you, Lucy, and leave this place and its associations forever!"
She played with the end of her bonnet-string, and hastily turned aside. "Don't ever touch upon that kind of topic again," she said, with a quick severity not free from anger. "It simply makes it impossible for me to see you, much less receive any guidance from you. No, thank you, Mr. Barnet; you can do nothing for me at present; and as I suppose my uncertainty will end in my leaving for India, I fear you never will. If ever I think you can do anything, I will take the trouble to ask you, Till then, good-by."
The tone of her latter words was equivocal, and while he remained in doubt whether a gentle irony was or was not inwrought with their sound, she swept lightly round and left him alone. He saw her form get smaller and smaller along the damp belt of sea-sand between ebb and flood; and when she had vanished round the cliff into the harbor-road, he himself followed in the same direction.
That her hopes from an advertisement should be the single thread which held Lucy Savile in England was too much for Barnet. On reaching the town he went straight to the residence of Downe, now a widower with four children. The young motherless brood had been sent to bed about a quarter of an hour earlier, and when Barnet entered he found Downe sitting alone. It was the same room as that from which the family had been looking out for Downe at the beginning of the year, when Downe had slipped into the gutter and his wife had been so enviably tender toward him. The old neatness had gone from the house; articles lay in places which could show no reason for their presence, as if momentarily deposited there some months ago, and forgotten ever since; there were no flowers; things were jumbled together on the furniture which should have been in cupboards; and the place in general had that stagnant, unrenovated air which usually pervades the maimed home of the widower.
Downe soon renewed his customary full-worded lament over his wife, and even when he had worked himself up to tears, went on volubly, as if a listener were a luxury to be enjoyed whenever he could be caught.
"She was a treasure beyond compare, Mr. Barnet! I shall never see such another. Nobody now to nurse me -- nobody to console me in those daily troubles, you know, Barnet, which make consolation so necessary to a nature like mine. It would be unbecoming to repine, for her spirit's home was elsewhere -- the tender light in her eyes always showed it; but it is a long dreary time that I have before me, and nobody else can ever fill the void left in my heart by her loss -- nobody -- nobody!" And Downe wiped his eyes again.
"She was a good woman in the highest sense," gravely answered Barnet, who, though Downe's words drew genuine compassion from his heart, could not help feeling that a tender reticence would have been a finer tribute to Mrs. Downe's really sterling virtues than such a second-class lament as this.
"I have something to show you," Downe resumed, producing from a drawer a sheet of paper on which was an elaborate design for a canopied tomb. "This has been sent me by the architect, but it is not exactly what I want.
"You have got Jones to do it, I see, the man who is carrying out my house," said Barnet, as he glanced at the signature to the drawing.
"Yes, but it is not quite what I want. I want something more striking -- more like a tomb I have seen in St. Paul's Cathedral. Nothing less will do justice to my feelings, and how far short of them, that will fall!"
Barnet privately thought the design a sufficiently imposing one as it stood, even extravagantly ornate; but, feeling that he had no right to criticism, he said, gently, "Downe, should you not live more in your children's lives at the present time, and soften the sharpness of regret for your own past by thinking of their future?"
"Yes, yes; but what can I do more?" asked Downe, wrinkling his forehead hopelessly.
It was with anxious slowness that Barnet produced his reply -- the secret object of his visit tonight. "Did you not say one day that you ought by rights to get a governess for the children?"
Downe admitted that he had said so, but that he could not see his way to it. "The kind of woman I should like to have," he said, "would be rather beyond my means. No; I think I shall send them to school in the town when they are old enough to go out alone.
"Now I know of something better than that. The late Lieutenant Savile's daughter, Lucy, wants to do something for herself in the way of teaching. She would be inexpensive, and would answer your purpose as well as anybody for six or twelvemonths. She would probably come daily if you were to ask her, and so your house-keeping arrangements would not be much affected."
"I thought she had gone away," said the solicitor, musing. "Where does she live?"
Barnet told him, and added that, if Downe should think of her as suitable, he would do well to call as soon as possible or she might be on the wing. "If you do see her," he said, "it would be advisable not to mention my name. She is rather stiff in her ideas of me, and it might prejudice her against a course if she knew that I recommended it."
Downe promised to give the subject his consideration, and nothing more was said about it just then. But when Barnet rose to go, which was not till nearly bedtime, he
reminded Downe of the suggestion, and went up the street to his own solitary home with a sense of satisfaction at his promising diplomacy in a charitable cause.
The walls of his new house were carried up nearly to their full height. By a curious though not infrequent reaction, Barnet's feelings about that unnecessary structure had undergone a change; he took considerable interest in its progress as along-neglected thing, his wife before her departure having grown quite weary of it as a hobby. Moreover, it was an excellent distraction for a man in the unhappy position of having to live in a provincial town with nothing to do. He was probably the first of his line who had ever passed a day without toil, and perhaps something like an inherited instinct disqualifies such men for a life of pleasant inaction, such as lies in the power of those whose leisure is not a personal accident, but a vast historical accretion which has become part of their natures.
Thus Barnet got into a way of spending many of his leisure hours on the site of the new building, and he might have been seen on most days at this time trying the temper of the mortar by punching the joints with his stick, looking at the grain of a floor-board, and meditating where it grew or picturing under what circumstances the last fire would be kindled in the at present sootless chimney. One day when thus occupied he saw three children pass by in the company of a fair young woman whose sudden appearance caused him to flush perceptibly.
"Ah, she is there," he thought. "That's a blessed thing."
Casting an interested glance over the rising building and the busy workmen, Lucy Savile and the little Downes passed by; and after that time it became a regular though almost unconscious custom of Barnet to stand in the half-completed house and look from the ungarnished windows at the governess as she tripped toward the sea-shore with her young charges, which she was in the habit of doing on most fine afternoons. It was on one of these occasions, when he had been loitering on the first-floor landing, near the hole left for the staircase, not yet erected, that there appeared above the edge of the floor a little hat, followed by a little head.
Barnet withdrew through a doorway, and the child came to the top of the ladder, stepping on to the floor and crying to her sisters and Miss Savile to follow. Another head rose above the floor, and another, and then Lucy herself came into view. The troop ran hither and thither through the empty, shaving-strewn rooms, and Barnet came forward.
Lucy uttered a small exclamation; she was very sorry that she had intruded; she had not the least idea that Mr. Barnet was there; the children had come up, and she had followed.
Barnet replied that he was only too glad to see them there. "And now, let me show you the rooms," he said.
She passively assented, and he took her round. There was not much to show insuch a bare skeleton of a house, but he made the most of it, and explained the different ornamental fittings that were soon to be fixed here and there. Lucy made but few remarks in reply, though she seemed pleased with her visit, and stole away down the ladder, followed by her companions.
After this the new residence became yet more of a hobby for Barnet. Downe's children did not forget their first visit, and when the windows were glazed, and the handsome staircase spread its broad low steps into the hall, they came again, prancing in unwearied succession through every room from ground-floor to attics, while Lucy stood waiting for them at the door. Barnet, who rarely missed a day in coming to inspect progress, stepped out from the drawing- room.
"I could not keep them out," she said, with an apologetic blush. "I tried to do so very much; but they are rather willful, and we are directed to walk this way for the sea air."
"Do let them make the house their regular play-ground, and you yours," said Barnet. "There is no better place for children to romp and take their exercise in than an empty house, particularly in muddy or damp weather, such as we shall get a good deal of now; and this place will not be furnished for a long, long time -- perhaps never. I am not at all decided about it."
"Oh, but it must!" replied Lucy, looking round at the hall. "The rooms are excellent, twice as high as ours; and the views from the windows are so lovely."
"I dare say -- I dare say," he said, absently.
"Will all the furniture be new?" she asked.
"All the furniture be new -- that's a thing I have not thought of. In fact, I only come here and look on. My father's house would have been large enough for me, but another person had a voice in the matter, and it was settled that we should build. However, the place grows upon me; its recent associations are cheerful, and I am getting to like it fast."
A certain uneasiness in Lucy’s manner showed that the conversation was taking too personal a turn for her. "Still, as modern tastes develop, people require more room to gratify them in," she said, withdrawing to call the children; and serenely bidding him good-afternoon, she went on her way.
Barnet's life at this period was singularly lonely, and yet he was happier than he could have expected. His wife's estrangement and absence, which promised to be permanent, left him free as a boy in his movements, and the solitary walks that he took gave him ample opportunity for chastened reflection on what might have been his lot if he had only shown wisdom enough to claim Lucy Savile when there was no bar between their lives, and she was to be had for the asking. He would occasionally call at the house of his friend Downe; but there was scarcely enough in common between their two natures to make them more than friends of that excellent sort whose personal knowledge of each other's history and character is always in excess of intimacy, whereby they are not so likely to be severed by a clash of sentiment as in cases where intimacy springs up in excess of knowledge. Lucy was never visible at these times, being either engaged in the schoolroom, or in taking an airing out-of-doors; but, knowing that she was now comfortable, and had given up the, to him, depressing idea of going off to the other side of the globe, he was quite content.
The new house had so far progressed that the gardeners were beginning to grass down the front. During an afternoon which he was passing in marking the curve for the carriage-drive, he beheld her coming in boldly toward him from the road. Hitherto Barnet had only caught her on the premises by stealth, and this advance seemed to show that at last her reserve had broken down.
A smile gained strength upon her face as she approached, and it was quite radiant when she came up, and said, without a trace of embarrassment, "I find I owe you a hundred thanks -- and it comes to me quite as a surprise! It was through your kindness that I was engaged by Mr. Downe. Believe me, Mr. Barnet, I did not know it until yesterday, or I should have thanked you long and long ago!"
"I had offended you -- just a trifle -- at the time, I think?" said Barnet, smiling, "and it was best that you should not know."
"Yes, yes," she returned, hastily. "Don’t allude to that; it is past and over, and we will let it be. The house is finished almost, is it not? How beautiful it will look when the evergreens are grown! Do you call the style Palladian, Mr. Barnet?
"I -- really don't quite know what it is. Yes, it must be Palladian, certainly. But I'll ask Jones, the architect; for, to tell the truth, I had not thought much about the style; Ihad nothing to do with choosing it, I am sorry to say."
She would not let him harp on this gloomy refrain, and talked on bright matters till she said, producing a small roll of paper which he had noticed in her hand all the while, "Ah. Downe wished me to bring you this revised drawing of the late Mrs. Downe's tomb, which the architect has just sent him, He would like you to look it over.
The children came up with their hoops, and she went off with them down the harbor-road as usual. Barnet had been glad to get those words of thanks; he had been thinking for many months that he would like her to know of his share in finding her a home, such as it was; and what he could not do for himself Downe had now kindly done for him. He returned to his desolate house with a lighter tread; though in reason he hardly knew why his tread should be light.
On examining the drawing, Barnet found that, instead of the vast altar-tomb and canopy Downe had determined on at their last meeting, it was to be a more modest memorial even than had been suggested by the architect; a coped tomb of good solid construction, with no useless elaboration at all. Barnet was truly glad to see that Downe had come to reason of his own accord; and he returned the drawing with a note of approval.
He followed up the house-work as before, and as he walked up and down the rooms, occasionally gazing from the windows over the bulging green hills and the quiet harbor that lay between them, he murmured words and fragments of words which, if listened to, would have revealed all the secrets of his existence. Whatever his reason in going there, Lucy did not call again; the walk to the shore seemed to be abandoned; he must have thought it as well for both that it should be so, for he did not go anywhere out of his accustomed ways to endeavor to discover her.
The winter and the spring had passed, and the house was complete. It was a fine morning in the early part of June, and Barnet, though not in the habit of rising early, had taken a long walk before breakfast, returning by way of the new building. A sufficiently exciting cause of his restlessness to-day might have been the intelligence which had reached him the night before, that Lucy Savile was going to India after all, and notwithstanding the representations of her friends that such a journey was unadvisable in many ways for an unpracticed girl, unless some more definite advantage lay at the end of it than she could show to be the case. Barnet's walk up the slope to the building betrayed that he was in a dissatisfied mood. He hardly saw that the dewy time of day lent an unusual freshness to the bushes and trees which had so recently put on their summer habit of heavy leafage, and made his newly-laid lawn look as well established as an old manorial meadow. The house had been so adroitly placed between six tall elms, which were growing on the site beforehand, that they seemed like real ancestral trees; and the rooks, young and old, cawed melodiously to their visitor.
The door was not locked, and he entered, No workmen appeared to be present, and he walked from sunny window to sunny window of the empty rooms, with a sense of seclusion which might have been very pleasant but for the antecedent knowledge that his almost paternal care of Lucy Savile was to be thrown away by her willfulness. Footsteps echoed through an adjoining room; and bending his eyes in that direction, he perceived Mr. Jones, the architect. He had come to look over the building before giving the contractor his final certificate. They walked over the house together. Everything was finished except the papering; there were the latest improvements of the period in bell-hanging, ventilating, smoke-jacks, fire-grates, and French windows. The business was soon ended, and Jones, having directed Barnet's attention to a roll of wall-paper patterns which lay on a bench for his choice, was leaving to keep another engagement, when Barnet said: "Is the tomb finished yet for Mrs. Downe?"
"Well, yes; it is at last," said the architect, coming back and speaking as if he were in a mood to make a confidence. "I have had no end of trouble in the matter, and, to tell the truth, I am heartily glad it is over."
Barnet expressed his surprise. "I thought poor Downe had given up those extravagant notions of his? Then he has gone back to the altar and canopy, after all? Well, he is to be excused, poor fellow!"
"Oh no, he has not at all gone back to them -- quite the reverse," Jones hastened to say. "He has so reduced design after design that the whole thing has been nothing but waste labor for me; till in the end it has become a common head-stone, which a mason put up in half a day.
"A common head-stone?" said Barnet.
"Yes. I held out for some time for the addition of a foot-stone at least. But he said: 'Oh no, he couldn't afford it."
"Ah, well, his family is growing up, poor fellow, and his expenses are getting serious."
"Yes, exactly," said Jones, as if the subject were none of his. And again directing Barnet's attention to the wall-papers, the bustling architect left him to keep some other engagement.
"A common head-stone," murmured Barnet, left again to himself. He mused a minute or two, and next began looking over and selecting from the patterns; but had not long been engaged in the work when he heard another footstep on the gravel without and somebody enter the open porch.
Barnet went to the door -- it was his manservant in search of him.
"I have been trying for some time to find you, sir," he said. "This letter has come by the post, and it is marked immediate. And there's this one from Mr. Downe, who called just now wanting to see you." He searched his pocket for the second.
Barnet took the first letter; it had a black border, and bore the London postmark. It was not in his wife's handwriting, or in that of any person he know; but conjecture soon ceased as he read the page, wherein he was briefly informed that Mrs. Barnet had died suddenly on the previous day, at the furnished villa she had occupied near London.
Barnet looked vaguely round the empty hall, at the blank walls, out of the doorway. Drawing a long, palpitating breath, and with eyes downcast, he turned and climbed the stairs slowly, like a man who doubted their stability. The fact of his wife having, as it were, died once already, and lived on again, had entirely dislodged the possibility of her actual death from his conjecture. He went to the landing, leaned over the balusters, and after a reverie, of whose duration he had but the faintest notion, turned to the window and stretched his gaze to the cottage further down the road, which was visible from his landing, and from which Lucy still walked to the solicitor's house by a cross path. The faint words that came from his moving lips were simply: "At last!"
Then, almost involuntarily, Barnet fell down on his knees and murmured some incoherent words of thanksgiving. Surely his virtue in restoring his wife to life had been rewarded! But, as if the impulse struck uneasily on his conscience, he quickly rose, brushed the dust from his trousers, and set himself to think of his next movements. He could not start for London for some hours; and as he had no preparations to make that could not be made in half an hour, he mechanically descended and resumed his occupation of turning over the wall-papers. They had all got brighter for him, those papers. It was all changed; who would sit in the rooms that they were to line? He went on to muse upon Lucy's conduct in so frequently coming to the house with the children; her occasional blush in speaking to him her evident interest in him. What woman can in the long run avoid being interested in a man whom she knows to be devoted to her? If human solicitation could ever affect anything, there should be no going to India for Lucy now. All the papers previously chosen seemed wrong in their shades, and he began from the beginning to choose again.
While entering on the task he heard a forced "Ahem!" from without the porch, evidently uttered to attract his attention, and footsteps again advancing to the door. His man, whom he had quite forgotten in his mental turmoil, was still waiting there.
"I beg your pardon, sir," the man said from round the doorway, "but here's the note from Mr. Downe that you didn't take. He called just after you went out, and as he couldn't wait, he wrote this on your study table."
He handed in the letter -- no black-bordered one now, but a practical-looking one in the well-known writing of the solicitor.
"DEAR BARNET" -- it ran -- "Perhaps you will be prepared for the information I am about to give -- that Lucy Savile and myself are going to be married this morning. I have hitherto said nothing as to my intention to any of my friends, for reasons which I am sure you will fully appreciate. The crisis has been brought about by her expressing her intention to join her brother in India. I then discovered that I could not do without her. "It is to be quite a private wedding; but it is my particular wish that you comedown here quietly at ten, and go to church with us; it will add greatly to the pleasure I shall experience in the ceremony, and, I believe, to Lucy's also. I have called on you very early to make the request, in the belief that I should find you at home, but you are beforehand with me in your early rising.
"Yours sincerely, C. Downe."
"Need I wait, sir," said the servant, after a dead silence.
"That will do, William. No answer," said Barnet, calmly.
When the man had gone, Barnet re-read the letter. Turning eventually to the wall-papers, which he had been at such pains to select, he deliberately tore them into halves and quarters and threw them into the empty fireplace. Then he went out of the house, locked the door, and stood in the front a while. Instead of returning into the town, be went down the harbor-road and thoughtfully lingered about by the sea, near the spot where the body of Downe's late wife had been found and brought ashore.
Barnet was a man with a rich capacity for misery, and there is no doubt that he exercised it to its fullest extent now. The events that had, as it were, dashed themselves together in one half-hour of this day showed that curious refinement of cruelty in their arrangement which often proceeds from the bosom of the whimsical god at other times known as blind Circumstance. That his few minutes of hope between the reading of the first and second letters had carried him to extraordinary heights of rapture was proved by the immensity of his suffering now. The sun blazing into his face would have showed a close watcher that a horizontal line, which he had never noticed before, but which was never to be gone thereafter, was somehow gradually forming itself in the smooth of his forehead. His eyes, of a light hazel, had a curious look which can only be described by the word bruised; the sorrow that looked from them being largely mixed with the surprise of a man taken unawares.
The secondary particulars of his present position, too, were odd enough, though for some time they appeared to engage little of his attention. Not a soul in the town knew, as yet, of his wife's death, and he almost owed Downe the kindness of not publishing it till the day was over -- the conjuncture, taken with that which had accompanied the death of Mrs. Downe, being so singular as to be quite sufficient to darken the pleasure of the impressible solicitor to a cruel extent if made known to him. But as Barnet could not set out on his journey to London, where his wife lay, for some hours (there being at this date no railway within a distance of eighty miles), no great reason existed why he should leave the town.
Impulse in all its forms characterized Barnet, and when he heard the distant clock strike the hour of ten, his feet began to carry him up the harbor-road with the manner of a man who must do something to bring himself to life. He passed Lucy Savile's old house, his own new one, and came in view of the church. Now he gave a perceptible start, and his mechanical condition went away. Before the church-gate were a couple of carriages, and Barnet then could perceive that the marriage between Downe and Lucy was at that moment being solemnized within. A feeling of sudden, proud self-confidence, an indocile wish to walk unmoved in spite of grim environments, plainly possessed him, and when he reached the wicket-gate he turned in without apparent effort. Pacing up the paved foot-way he entered the church and stood for a while in the nave passage. A group of people was standing round the vestry door; Barnet advanced through these and stepped into the vestry.
There they were busily signing their names. Seeing Downe about to look round, Barnet averted his somewhat disturbed face for a second or two; when he turned again front to front he was calm quite smiling: it was a creditable triumph over himself, and deserved to be remembered in his native town. He greeted Downe heartily, offering his congratulations.
It seemed as if Barnet expected a half-guilty look upon Lucy's face; but no, save the natural flush and flurry engendered by the service just performed, there was nothing whatever in her bearing which showed a disturbed mind; her gray-brown eyes carried in them now as at other times the well-known expression of common-sensed rectitude which never went so far as to touch on hardness. She shook hands with him, and Downe said, warmly: "I wish you could have come sooner; I called on purpose to ask you. You'll drive back with us now?"
"No, no," said Barnet; "I am not at all prepared; but I thought I would look in upon you for a moment, even though I had not time to go home and dress. I'll stand back and see you pass out, and observe the effect of the spectacle upon myself as one of the public."
Then Lucy and her husband laughed, and Barnet laughed and retired; and the quiet little party went gliding down the nave and toward the porch, Lucy’s new silk dress sweeping with a smart rustle round the base-moldings of the ancient font, and Downe's little daughters following in a state of round-eyed interest in their position, and that of Lucy, their teacher and friend.
So Downe was comforted after his Emily's death, which had taken place twelvemonths, two weeks, and three days before that time.
When the two flys had driven off and the spectators had vanished, Barnet followed to the door and went out into the sun. He took no more trouble to preserve a spruce exterior; his step was unequal, hesitating, almost convulsive; and the slight changes of color which went on in his face seemed refracted from some inward flame. In the churchyard he became pale as a summer cloud, and finding it not easy toproceed, he sat down on one of the tombstones and supported his head with his hand.
Hard by was a sexton filling up a grave which he had not found time to finish on the previous evening. Observing Barnet, he went up to him, and recognizing him, said: "Shall I help you home, sir?"
"Oh no, thank you," said Barnet, rousing himself and standing up. The sexton returned to his grave, followed by Barnet, who, after watching him a while, stepped into the grave, now nearly filled, and helped to tread in the earth.
The sexton apparently thought his conduct a little singular, but he made no observation, and when the grave was full, Barnet suddenly stopped, looked far away, and with a decided step proceeded to the gate and vanished. The sexton rested on his shovel and looked after him for a few moments, and then began banking up the mound.
In those short minutes of treading in the dead man Barnet had formed a design, but what it was the inhabitants of that town did not for some long time imagine. He went home, wrote several letters of business, called on his lawyer, an old man of the same place who had been the legal adviser of Barnet's father before him, and during the evening overhauled a large quantity of letters and other documents in his possession. By eleven o'clock the heap of papers in and before Barnet's grate had reached formidable dimensions, and he began to burn them. This, owing to their quantity, it was not so easy to do as he had expected, and he sat long into the night to complete the task.
The next morning Barnet departed for London, leaving a note for Downe to inform him of Mrs. Barnet's sudden death, and that he was gone to bury her; but when a thrice sufficient time for that purpose had elapsed lie was not seen again in his accustomed walks, or in his new house, or in his old one. He was gone for good, nobody knew whither. It was soon discovered that he had empowered his lawyer to dispose of all his property, real and personal, in the borough, and pay in the proceeds to the account of an unknown person at one of the large London banks. The person was by some supposed to be himself under an assumed name; but few, if any, had certain knowledge of that fact.
The elegant new residence was sold with the rest of his possessions; and its purchaser was no other than Downe, now a thriving man in the borough, and one whose growing family and new wife required more roomy accommodation than was afforded by the little house up the narrow side street. Barnet's old habitation was bought by the trustees of the Congregational Baptist body in that town, who pulled down the time-honored dwelling and built a new chapel on its site. By the time the last hour of that, to Barnet, eventful year had chimed, every vestige of him had disappeared from the precincts of his native place, and the name became extinct in the borough of Port-Bredy, after having been a living force therein for more than two hundred years.
Twenty-one years and six months do not pass without setting a mark even upon durable stone and triple brass; upon humanity such a period works nothing less than transformation. In Barnet's old birthplace vivacious young children with bones like India-rubber had grown up, to be stable men and women, men and women had dried in the skin, stiffened, withered, and sunk into decrepitude; while selections from every class had been consigned to the outlying cemetery. Of inorganic differences the greatest was that a railway had invaded the town, tying it on to a main line at a junction a dozen miles off. Barnet's house on the harbor-road, once so insistently new, had acquired a respectable mellowness, with ivy, Virginia creepers, lichens, damp patches, and even constitutional infirmities of its own like its elder fellows. Its architecture, once so very improved and modern, had already become stale in style, without having reached the dignity of being old-fashioned. Trees about the harbor-road had increased in circumference or disappeared under the saw; while the church had had such a tremendous practical joke played upon it by some facetious restorer or other as to be scarce recognizable by its dearest old friends.
During this long interval George Barnet had never once been seen or heard of in the town of his fathers.
It was the evening of a market-day, and some half-dozen middle-aged farmers and dairymen were lounging round the bar of the Black Bull Hotel, occasionally dropping a remark to one another, and less frequently to the two barmaids who stood within the pewter-topped counter in a perfunctory attitude of attention, these latter sighing and making a private observation to each other at odd intervals, on more interesting experiences than the present.
"Days get shorter," said one of the dairymen, as he looked toward the street, and noticed that the lamplighter was passing by.
The farmers merely acknowledged by their countenances the propriety of this remark, and finding that nobody else spoke, one of the barmaids said "yes," in a tone of painful duty.
"Come fair-day we shall have to light up before we start for home-along.
"That's true," his neighbor conceded, with a gaze of blankness.
"And after that we shan't see much further difference all's winter."
The rest were not unwilling to go even so far as this.
The barmaid sighed again and raised one of her hands from the counter on which they rested to scratch the smallest surface of her face with the smallest of her fingers. She looked toward the door, and presently remarked, "I think I hear the 'bus coming in from station."
The eyes of the dairymen and farmers turned to the glass door dividing the hall from the porch, and in a minute or two the omnibus drove up outside. Then there was a lumbering down of luggage, and then a man came into the hall, followed by a porter with a portmanteau on his poll, which he deposited on a bench.
The stranger was on elderly person, with curly ashen-white hair, a deeply creviced outer corner to each eyelid, and a countenance baked by in-numerable suns to the color of terra-cotta, its hue and that of his hair contrasting like heat and cold respectively. He walked meditatively and gently, like one who was fearful of disturbing his own mental equilibrium. But whatever lay at the bottom of his breast had evidently made him so accustomed to its situation there that it caused him little practical inconvenience.
He paused in silence while, with his dubious eyes fixed on the barmaids, he seemed to consider himself. In a moment or two he addressed them, and asked to be accommodated for the night. As he waited he looked curiously round the hall, but said nothing. As soon as invited he disappeared up the staircase, preceded by a chambermaid and candle, and followed by a lad with his trunk. Not a soul had recognized him.
A quarter of an hour later, when the farmers and dairymen had driven off to their homesteads in the country, he came downstairs, took a biscuit and one glass of wine, and walked out into the town, where the radiance from the shop windows had grown so in volume of late years as to flood with cheerfulness every standing cart, barrow, stall, and idler that occupied the wayside, whether shabby or genteel. His chief interest at present seemed to lie in the names painted over the shop-fronts and on doorways, as far as they were visible; these now differed to an ominous extent from what they had been one-and-twenty years before.
The traveler passed on till he came to the booksellers, where he looked in through the glass door. A fresh-faced young man was standing behind the counter; otherwise the shop was empty. The gray-haired observer entered, asked for some periodical by way of paying for his standing, and with his elbow on the counter began to turn over the pages he had bought, though that he read nothing was obvious.
At length he said, "Is old Mr. Watkins still alive?" in a voice which had a curious youthful cadence in it even now.
"My father is dead, sir, " said the young man,
"Ah, I am sorry to hear it," said the stronger.
"But it is so many years since I last visited this town that I could hardly expect it should be otherwise." After a short silence he continued, "And is the firm of Barnet, Browse & Co. still in existence? -- they used to be large flax merchants and twine-spinners here?"
"The firm is still going on, sir, but they have dropped the name of Barnet. I believe that was a sort of fancy name -- at least, I never knew of any living Barnet. 'Tis now Browse & Co."
"And does Andrew Jones still keep on as architect?"
"He's dead, sir."
"And the vicar of St. Mary's -- Mr. Melrose?"
"He's been dead a great many years."
"Dear me!" He paused yet longer, and cleared his voice.
"Is Mr. Downe, the solicitor, still in practice?"
"No, sir, he's dead. He died about seven years ago."
Here it was a longer silence still; and an attentive observer would have noticed that the paper in the strangers hand increased its imperceptible tremor to a visible shake. The gray-haired gentleman noticed it himself, and rested the paper on the counter. "Is Mrs. Downe still alive?" he asked, closing his lips firmly as soon as the words were out of his mouth, and dropping his eyes.
"Yes, sir, she's alive and well. She's living at the old place."
"In East Street?"
"Oh no; at Chateau Ringdale. I believe it has been in the family for some generations."
"She lives with her children, perhaps?"
"No; she has no children of her own. There were some Misses Downe; I think they were Mr. Downe's daughters by a former wife; but they are married and living in other parts of the town. Mrs. Downe lives alone."
"Quite alone?"
"Yes, sir; quite alone."
The newly arrived gentleman went back to the hotel and dined; after which he made some change in his dress, shaved back his beard to the fashion that had prevailed twenty years earlier, when he was young and interesting, and once more emerging, bent his steps in the direction of the harbor-road. Just before getting to the point where the pavement ceased and the houses isolated themselves, he overtook a shambling, stooping, unshaven man, who at first sight appeared like a professional tramp, his shoulders having a perceptible greasiness as they passed under the gaslight. Each pedestrian momentarily turned and regarded the other, and the tramp-like gentleman started back.
"Good -- why -- is that Mr. Barnet? 'Tis Mr. Barnet, surely!"
"Yes; and you are Charlson?"
"Yes -- ah -- you notice my appearance. The Fates have rather ill-used me. By-the-by, that fifty pounds. I never paid it, did I? ... But I was not ungrateful!" Here the stooping man laid one hand emphatically in the palm of the other. "I gave you a chance, Mr. George Barnet, which many men would have thought full value received – the chance to marry your Lucy. As far as the world was concerned, your wife was a drowned woman, hey?"
"Heaven forbid all that, Charlson!"
"Well, well, 'twas a wrong way of showing gratitude, I suppose. And now a drop of something to drink for old acquaintance sake! And Mr. Barnet, she's again free --there's a chance now if you care for it -- ha, ha!" And the speaker pushed his tongue into his hollow cheek and slanted his eye in the old fashion.
"I know all," said Barnet, quickly; and slipping a small present into the hands of the needy, saddening man, he stepped ahead and was soon in the outskirts of the town.
He reached the harbor-road, and paused before the entrance to a well-known house. It was so highly bosomed in trees and shrubs planted since the erection of the building that one would scarcely have recognized the spot as that which had been a mere neglected slope till chosen as a site for a dwelling. He opened the swing-gate, closed it noiselessly, and gently moved into the semicircular drive, which remained exactly as it had been marked out by Barnet on the morning when Lucy Savile ran in to thank him for procuring her the post of governess to Downe’s children. But the growth of trees and bushes which revealed itself at every step was beyond all expectation; sunproof and moon proof bowers vaulted the walks and the walls of the house were uniformly bearded with creeping plants as high as the first-floor windows.
After lingering for a few minutes in the dusk of the bending boughs, the visitor rang the doorbell, and on the servant appearing he announced himself as "an old friend of Mrs. Downe's."
The hall was lighted, but not brightly, the gas being turned low, as if visitors were rare. There was a stagnation in the dwelling: it seemed to be waiting. Could it really be waiting for him? The partitions which had been probed by Barnet's walking stick when the mortar was green were now quite brown with the antiquity of their varnish, and the ornamental wood-work of the staircase, which had glistened with a pale yellow newness when first erected, was now of a rich wine-color. During the servant's absence the following colloquy could be dimly heard through the nearly closed door of the drawing-room.
"He didn't give his name?"
"He only said 'An old friend,' ma'am."
"What kind of gentleman is he?"
"A staidish gentleman, with gray hair."
The voice of the second speaker seemed to affect the listener greatly. After a pause, the lady said, "Very well, I will see him."
And the stranger was shown in face to face with the Lucy who had once been Lucy Savile. The round cheek of that formerly young lady had, of course, alarmingly flattened its curve in her modern representative; a pervasive grayness overspread her once dark brown hair, like morning rime on heather. The parting down the middle was wide and jagged; once it had been a thin white line, a narrow crevice between two high banks of shade. But there was still enough left to form a handsome knob behind; and some curls beneath, in wrought with a few hairs like silver wires, were very becoming. In her eyes the only modification was that their originally mild rectitude of expression had become a little more stringent than heretofore. Yet she was still girlish -- a girl who had been gratuitously weighted by destiny with a burden of five-and-forty years instead of her proper twenty.
"Lucy, don't you know me?" he said, when the servant had closed the door.
"I knew you the instant I saw you!" she returned, cheerfully. "I don't know why, but I always thought you would come back to your old town again."
She gave him her hand, and then they sat down.
"They said you were dead," continued Lucy, "but I never thought so. We should have heard of it for certain if you had been."
"It is a very long time since we met."
"Yes; what you must have seen, Mr. Barnet, in all these roving years, in comparison with what I have seen in this quiet place!" Her face grew more serious. "You know my husband has been dead a long time? I am a lonely old women now, considering what I have been; though Mr. Downe's daughters -- all married -- keep me pretty cheerful."
"And I am a lonely old man, and have been all these twenty years."
"But where have you kept yourself? And why did you go off so mysteriously?"
"Well, Lucy, I have kept myself a little in America, and a little in Australia, a little in India, a little at the Cape, and so on; I have not stayed in any place for a long time, as it seems to me, and yet more than twenty years have flown. But when people get to my age two years go like one! Your second question, why did I go away so mysteriously is surely not necessary. You guessed why, didn't you?"
"No, I never once guessed," she said, simply; "nor did Charles, nor did anybody, as far as I know."
"Well, indeed! Now think it over again and then look at me, and say if you can't guess?"
She looked him in the face with an inquiring smile. "Surely not because of me?" she said, pausing at the commencement of surprise.
Barnet nodded, and smiled back again; but his smile was sadder than hers.
"Because I married Charles?" she asked.
"Yes; solely because you married him on the day I was free to ask you to marry me. My wife died four-and-twenty hours before you went to church with Downe. The fixing of my journey at that particular moment was because of her funeral; but once away, I knew I should have no inducement to come back and took my steps accordingly."
Her face assumed an aspect of gentle reflection, and she looked up and down his form with great interest in her eyes. "I never thought of it!" she said. "I knew, of course, that you had once implied some warmth of feeling toward me, but I concluded that it passed off. And I have always been under the impression that your wife was alive at the time of my marriage. Was it not stupid of me! But you will have some tea or something? I have never dined late, you know, since my husband's death. I have got into the way of making a regular meal of tea. You will have some tea with me, will you not?"
The traveled man assented quite readily, and tea was brought in. They sat and chatted over the meal, regardless of the flying hour. "Well, well!" said Barnet, presently, as for the first time he leisurely surveyed the room; "how like it all is, and yet how different! Just where your piano stands was a board on a couple of trestles, bearing the patterns of wall-papers, when I was last there. I was choosing them -- standing in this way, as it might be. Then my servant came in at the door, and handed me a note, so. It was from Downe, and announced that you were just going to be married to him. I chose no more wall-papers -- tore up all those I had selected, and left the house. I never entered it again till now."
"Ah, at last I understand it all," she murmured.
They had both risen and gone to the fireplace. The mantel came almost on a level with her shoulder, which gently rested against it, and Barnet laid his hand upon the shelf close beside her shoulder. "Lucy," he said, "better late than never. Will you marry me now?"
She started back, and the surprise which was so obvious in her wrought even greater surprise in him that it should be so. It was difficult to believe that she had been quite blind to the situation, and yet all reason and common sense went to prove that she was not acting.
"You take me quite unawares by such a question!" she said, with a feverish laugh of uneasiness. It was the first time she had shown any embarrassment at all. "Why" she added, "I couldn't marry you for the world."
"Not after all this! Why not?"
"It is -- I would -- I really think I may say it would upon the whole rather marry you, Mr. Barnet, than any other man I have ever met, if I ever dreamed of marriage again. But I don't dream of it -- it is quite out of my thoughts; I have not the least intention of marrying again."
"But -- on my account -- couldn't you alter your plans a little? Come!"
"Dear Mr. Barnet," she said, with a little flutter, "I would on your account if on anybody's in existence. But you don't know in the least what it is you are asking – such an impracticable thing -- I won't say ridiculous, of course, because I see that you are really in earnest, and earnestness is never ridiculous to my mind."
"Well, yes," said Barnet, more slowly, dropping her hand, which he had taken at the moment of pleading, "I am in earnest. The resolve, two months ago, at the Cape, to come back once more was, it is true, rather sudden, and as I see now, not well-considered. But I am in earnest in asking."
"And I in declining. With all good feeling and all kindness, let me say that I am quite opposed to the idea of marrying a second time."
"Well, no harm has been done, " he answered with the same subdued and tender humorousness that he had shown on such occasions in early life. "If you really won't accept me, I must put up with it, I suppose." His eye fell on the clock as he spoke. "Had you any notion that it was so late?" he asked. "How absorbed I have been!"
She accompanied him to the hall, helped him to put on his overcoat, and let him out of the house herself.
"Good-night," said Barnet, on the door-step, as the lamp shone in his face. "You are not offended with me?"
"Certainly not. Nor you with me?"
"I’ll consider whether I am or not," he pleasantly replied. "Good-night."
She watched him safely through the gate; and when his footsteps had died away upon the road, closed the door softly and returned to the room. Here the modest widow long pondered his speeches with eyes dropped to an unusually low level. Barnet's urbanity under the blow of her refusal greatly impressed her. After having his long period of probation rendered useless by her decision, he had shown no anger, and philosophically taken her words as if he deserved no better ones. It was very gentlemanly of him, certainly; it was more than gentlemanly: it was heroic and grand. The more she meditated, the more she questioned the virtue of her conduct in checking him so peremptorily, and went to her bedroom in a mood of dissatisfaction. On looking in the glass she was reminded that there was not so much remaining of her former beauty as to make his frank declaration an impulsive natural homage to her cheeks and eyes; it must have undoubtedly arisen from an old stanch feeling of his, deserving tenderest consideration. She recalled to her mind with much pleasure that he had told her he was staying at the Black Bull Hotel; so that if, after waiting a day or two, he should not, in his modesty, call again, she might then send him a nice little note. To alter her views for the present was far from her intention but, she would allow herself to be induced to reconsider the case, as any generous woman ought to do.
The morrow came and passed, and Mr. Barnet did not drop in. At every knock, light youthful hues flew across her cheek; and she was abstracted in the presence of her other visitors. In the evening she walked about the house, not knowing what to do with herself; the conditions of existence seemed totally different from those which ruled only four-and-twenty short hours ago. What had been at first a tantalizing elusive sense getting acclimatized within her as time it was a definite hope, and her person was so informed by that emotion that she might almost have stood as its emblematical representative by the time the clock struck ten. In short, an interest in Barnet precisely resembling that of her early youth led her present heart to belie her yesterday's words to him, and she longed to see him again.
The next day she walked out early, thinking she might meet him in the street. The growing beauty of her romance absorbed her, and she went from the street to the fields, and from the fields to the shore without any consciousness of distance, till reminded by her weariness that she could go no further. He had nowhere appeared. In the evening she took a step which under the circumstances seemed justifiable; she wrote a note to him at the hotel, inviting him to tea with her at seven precisely, and signing her note "Lucy."
In a quarter of an hour the messenger came back. Mr. Barnet had left the hotel early in the morning of the day before, but he had stated that he would probably return in the course of the week.
The note was sent back to be given to him immediately on his arrival.
There was no sign from the inn that this desired event had occurred, either the next day or the day following. On both nights she had been restless, and had scarcely slept an hour.
On the Saturday, putting off all diffidence, Lucy went herself to the Black Bull, and questioned the staff closely.
Mr. Barnet had cursorily remarked when leaving that he might return on the Thursday or Friday, but they were directed not to reserve a room for him unless he should write.
He had left no address.
Lucy sorrowfully took back her note, went home, and resolved to wait.
She did wait -- years and years -- but Barnet never reappeared.
Anna, Lady Baxby
Dame the Seventh
By the Colonel
It was in the time of the great Civil War—if I should not rather, as a loyal subject, call it, with Clarendon, the Great Rebellion. It was, I say, at that unhappy period of our history that, towards the autumn of a particular year, the Parliament forces sat down before Sherton Castle with over seven thousand foot and four pieces of cannon. The Castle, as we all know, was in that century owned and occupied by one of the Earls of Severn, and garrisoned for his assistance by a certain noble Marquis who commanded the King's troops in these parts. The said Earl, as well as the young Lord Baxby, his eldest son, were away from home just now, raising forces for the King elsewhere. But there were present in the Castle, when the besiegers arrived before it, the son's fair wife Lady Baxby, and her servants, together with some friends and near relatives of her husband; and the defence was so good and well considered that they anticipated no great danger.
The Parliamentary forces were also commanded by a noble lord—for the nobility were by no means, at this stage of the war, all on the King's side—and it had been observed during his approach in the nighttime, and in the morning when the reconnoitring took place, that he appeared sad and much depressed. The truth was that, by a strange freak of destiny, it had come to pass that the stronghold he was set to reduce was the home of his own sister, whom he had tenderly loved during her maidenhood, and whom he loved now, in spite of the estrangement which had resulted from hostilities with her husband's family. He believed, too, that, notwithstanding this cruel division, she still was sincerely attached to him.
His hesitation to point his ordnance at the walls was inexplicable to those who were strangers to his family history. He remained in the field on the north side of the Castle (called by his name to this day because of his encampment there) till it occurred to him to send a messenger to his sister Anna with a letter, in which he earnestly requested her, as she valued her life, to steal out of the place by the little gate to the south, and make away in that direction to the residence of some friends.
Shortly after he saw, to his great surprise, coming from the front of the Castle walls a lady on horseback, with a single attendant. She rode straight forward into the field, and up the slope to where his army and tents were spread. It was not till she got quite near that he discerned her to be his sister Anna; and much was he alarmed that she should have run such risk as to sally out in the face of his forces without knowledge of their proceedings, when at any moment their first discharge might have burst forth, to her own destruction in such exposure. She dismounted before she was quite close to him, and he saw that her familiar face, though pale, was not at all tearful, as it would have been in their younger days. Indeed, if the particulars as handed down are to be believed, he was in a more tearful state than she, in his anxiety about her. He called her into his tent, out of the gaze of those around; for though many of the soldiers were honest and serious-minded men, he could not bear that she who had been his dear companion in childhood should be exposed to curious observation in this her great grief.
When they were alone in the tent he clasped her in his arms, for he had not seen her since those happier days when, at the commencement of the war, her husband and himself had been of the same mind about the arbitrary conduct of the King, and had little dreamt that they would not go to extremes together. She was the calmer of the two, it is said, and was the first to speak connectedly.
'William, I have come to you,' said she, 'but not to save myself as you suppose. Why, O, why do you persist in supporting this disloyal cause, and grieving us so?'
'Say not that,' he replied hastily. 'If truth hides at the bottom of a well, why should you suppose justice to be in high places? I am for the right at any price. Anna, leave the Castle; you are my sister; come away, my dear, and save thy life!'
'Never!' says she. 'Do you plan to carry out this attack, and level the Castle indeed?'
'Most certainly I do,' says he. 'What meaneth this army around us if not so?'
'Then you will find the bones of your sister buried in the ruins you cause!' said she. And without another word she turned and left him.
'Anna—abide with me!' he entreated. 'Blood is thicker than water, and what is there in common between you and your husband now?'
But she shook her head and would not hear him; and hastening out, mounted her horse, and returned towards the Castle as she had come. Ay, many's the time when I have been riding to hounds across that field that I have thought of that scene!
When she had quite gone down the field, and over the intervening ground, and round the bastion, so that he could no longer even see the tip of her mare's white tail, he was much more deeply moved by emotions concerning her and her welfare than he had been while she was before him. He wildly reproached himself that he had not detained her by force for her own good, so that, come what might, she would be under his protection and not under that of her husband, whose impulsive nature rendered him too open to instantaneous impressions and sudden changes of plan; he was now acting in this cause and now in that, and lacked the cool judgment necessary for the protection of a woman in these troubled times. Her brother thought of her words again and again, and sighed, and even considered if a sister were not of more value than a principle, and if he would not have acted more naturally in throwing in his lot with hers.
The delay of the besiegers in attacking the Castle was said to be entirely owing to this distraction on the part of their leader, who remained on the spot attempting some indecisive operations, and parlaying with the Marquis then in command, with far inferior forces, within the Castle. It never occurred to him that in the meantime the young Lady Baxby, his sister, was in much the same mood as himself. Her brother's familiar voice and eyes, much worn and fatigued by keeping the field, and by family distractions on account of this unhappy feud, rose upon her vision all the afternoon, and as day waned she grew more and more Parliamentarian in her principles, though the only arguments which had addressed themselves to her were those of family ties.
Her husband, General Lord Baxby, had been expected to return all the day from his excursion into the east of the county, a message having been sent to him informing him of what had happened at home; and in the evening he arrived with reinforcements in unexpected numbers. Her brother retreated before these to a hill near Ivell, four or five miles off, to afford the men and himself some repose. Lord Baxby duly placed his forces, and there was no longer any immediate danger. By this time Lady Baxby's feelings were more Parliamentarian than ever, and in her fancy the fagged countenance of her brother, beaten back by her husband, seemed to reproach her for heartlessness. When her husband entered her apartment, ruddy and boisterous, and full of hope, she received him but sadly; and upon his casually uttering some slighting words about her brother's withdrawal, which seemed to convey an imputation upon his courage, she resented them, and retorted that he, Lord Baxby himself, had been against the Court-party at first, where it would be much more to his credit if he were at present, and showing her brother's consistency of opinion, instead of supporting the lying policy of the King (as she called it) for the sake of a barren principle of loyalty, which was but an empty expression when a King was not at one with his people. The dissension grew bitter between them, reaching to little less than a hot quarrel, both being quick-tempered souls.
Lord Baxby was weary with his long day's march and other excitements, and soon retired to bed. His lady followed some time after. Her husband slept profoundly, but not so she; she sat brooding by the window-slit, and lifting the curtain looked forth upon the hills without.
In the silence between the footfalls of the sentinels she could hear faint sounds of her brother's camp on the distant hills, where the soldiery had hardly settled yet into their bivouac since their evening's retreat. The first frosts of autumn had touched the grass, and shrivelled the more delicate leaves of the creepers; and she thought of William sleeping on the chilly ground, under the strain of these hardships. Tears flooded her eyes as she returned to her husband's imputations upon his courage, as if there could be any doubt of Lord William's courage after what he had done in the past days.
Lord Baxby's long and reposeful breathings in his comfortable bed vexed her now, and she came to a determination on an impulse. Hastily lighting a taper she wrote on a scrap of paper:
'Blood is thicker than water, dear William—I will come'; and with this in her hand, she went to the door of the room, and out upon the stairs; on second thoughts turning back for a moment, to put on her husband's hat and cloak—not the one he was daily wearing—that if seen in the twilight she might at a casual glance appear as some lad or hanger-on of one of the household women; thus accoutred she descended a flight of circular stairs, at the bottom of which was a door opening upon the terrace towards the west, in the direction of her brother's position. Her object was to slip out without the sentry seeing her, get to the stables, arouse one of the varlets, and send him ahead of her along the highway with the note to warn her brother of her approach to throw in her lot with his.
She was still in the shadow of the wall on the west terrace, waiting for the sentinel to be quite out of the way, when her ears were greeted by a voice, saying, from the adjoining shade —
'Here I be!'
The tones were the tones of a woman. Lady Baxby made no reply, and stood close to the wall.
'My Lord Baxby,' the voice continued; and she could recognize in it the local accent of some girl from the little town of Sherton, close at hand. 'I be tired of waiting, my dear Lord Baxby! I was afeard you would never come!'
Lady Baxby flushed hot to her toes.
'How the wench loves him!' she said to herself, reasoning from the tones of the voice, which were plaintive and sweet and tender as a bird's. She changed from the home-hating truant to the strategic wife in one moment.
'Hist!' she said.
'My lord, you told me ten o'clock, and 'tis near twelve now,' continues the other. 'How could ye keep me waiting so if you love me as you said? I should have stuck to my lover in the Parliament troops if it had not been for thee, my dear lord!'
There was not the least doubt that Lady Baxby had been mistaken for her husband by this intriguing damsel. Here was a pretty underhand business! Here were sly maneuverings! Here was faithlessness! Here was a precious assignation surprised in the midst! Her wicked husband, whom till this very moment she had ever deemed the soul of good faith—how could he!
Lady Baxby precipitately retreated to the door in the turret, closed it, locked it, and ascended one round of the staircase, where there was a loophole. 'I am not coming! I, Lord Baxby, despise 'ee and all your wanton tribe!' she hissed through the opening; and then crept upstairs, as firmly rooted in Royalist principles as any man in the Castle.
Her husband still slept the sleep of the weary, well fed, and well drunken, if not of the virtuous; and Lady Baxby quickly disrobed herself without assistance—being, indeed, supposed by her woman to have retired to rest long ago. Before lying down she noiselessly locked the door and placed the key under her pillow. More than that, she got a staylace, and, creeping up to her lord, in great stealth tied the lace in a tight knot to one of his long locks of hair, attaching the other end of the lace to the bedpost; for, being tired herself now, she feared she might sleep heavily; and, if her husband should wake, this would be a delicate hint that she had discovered all.
It is added that, to make assurance trebly sure, her gentle ladyship, when she had lain down to rest, held her lord's hand in her own during the whole of the night. But this is old-wives' gossip, and not corroborated. What Lord Baxby thought and said when he awoke the next morning, and found himself so strangely tethered, is likewise only matter of conjecture; though there is no reason to suppose that his rage was great. The extent of his culpability as regards the intrigue was this much; that, while halting at a cross-road near Sherton that day, he had flirted with a pretty young woman, who seemed nothing loth, and had invited her to the Castle terrace after dark—an invitation which he quite forgot on his arrival home.
The subsequent relations of Lord and Lady Baxby I were not again greatly embittered by quarrels, so far as is known; though the husband's conduct in later life was occasionally eccentric, and the vicissitudes of his public career culminated in long exile. The siege of the Castle was not regularly undertaken till two or three years later than the time I have been describing, when Lady Baxby and all the women therein, except the wife of the then Governor, had been removed to safe distance. That memorable siege of fifteen days by Fairfax, and the surrender of the old place on an August evening, is matter of history, and need not be told by me.
The Man of Family spoke approvingly across to the Colonel when the Club had done smiling, declaring that the story was an absolutely faithful page of history, as he had good reason to know, his own people having been engaged in that well-known scrimmage. He asked if the Colonel had ever heard the equally well authenticated, though less martial tale of a certain Lady Penelope, who lived in the same century, and not a score of miles from the same place?
The Colonel had not heard it, nor had anybody except the local historian; and the inquirer was induced to proceed forthwith.
زندگی نامه چارلز دیکنز
دیکنز، چارلز Dickens, Charles رماننویس انگلیسی (1812-1870) پدر چارلز از خانواده متوسط و کمدرآمد و خودش کارمند کارپردازی اداره کشتیرانی و مردی خوشگذران و بیخیال بود. کودکی چارلز مانند کودکی قهرمانان آثارش در مشقت و رنج و ناکامی گذشت. خانواده بر اثر شغل پدر ابتدا در لندن، سپس در چتم Chatham اقامت گزید. خوشنشینی پدر او را بر آن داشت که در این شهر، در خانه زیبایی مستقر شود، جایی که اولین خاطرات "دیوید کاپرفیلد" قهرمان یکی از داستانهای دیکنز به آن ارتباط مییابد.
چارلز کودکی خیالپرور و رنجور بود و قصههای فراوان و وحشتانگیزی که دایه برایش نقل میکرد، به ذهن او حوادث گوناگونی را القا میکرد که زمینه عناصر هراسناک داستانهای آیندهاش میگردید. در انبار خانه کتابهایی برای خواندن یافت و با آثار سروانتس و فیلدینگ و کتاب هزار و یک شب آشنا شد ونه تنها این آثار را میخواند، بلکه در تصور خود، همه قهرمانان کتاب را به نمایش درمیآورد و آنان را در گوشه و کنار چشماندازهای اطراف خود جای میداد، نتیجه آن شد که بسیار زود در وجود دیکنز رماننویس و هنرپیشهای بالفطره نمایان گشت. در این سالها "فانی" Fanny خواهردیکنز برایش پناهگاهی عاطفی به شمار میآمد و در دل این هنرمند جوان تصویرهایی از زن مطلوب و کامل نقش میزد.
در 1823 پدر چارلز دیکنز به لندن منتقل شد و به سبب قرض فراوان، خانهای محقر در محلههای دور از مرکز شهر برای سکونت خانواده اختیار کرد، چارلز دیگر به مدرسه نرفت، بلکه با کمک خدمتکار به امور خانه میپرداخت. فانی خواهرش که نوازنده چیرهدستی شده بود، از محیط نکبتبار خانواده رهایی یافت و چارلز در مصیبتی جانکاه فرورفت و هرگز موفق نشد بر این ضربه روحی نائل آید. پدرش نیز به علت قرض بسیار به زندان افتاد. مادر، چارلز را در دوازده سالگی به کارخانهای فرستاد و او ناچار به کار پستی تن درداد. اگرچه مادر از شدت نیاز مالی به این کار اقدام کرده بود، چارلز او را نبخشود و پیوسته از احساس حقارت و تأثر شدید این دوره رنج میبرد. کارش سه ماه بیشتر ادامه نیافت، اما در نظرش دورهای بس طولانی آمد. کوچههای لندن، پس از کانون خانوادگی برای چارلز بهترین مدرسه بود و مایههایی برای رمان "الیورتویست" فراهم آورد. پس از رهایی پدر از زندان، خانواده گرد هم آمد و دیکنز از نو به تحصیل پرداخت و دوستان و محیط تازه یافت و برای رفقایش نمایشهایی ترتیب داد.
چارلز در 1827 کارمند دفتر اسناد رسمی شد، در آنجا تندنویسی آموخت و در اواخر 1828 ابتدا منشی و تندنویس یکی از نمایندگان مجلس عوام و پس از آن خبرنگار روزنامه "مورنینگ کرونیکل" Morning Chronicle در پارلمان گشت و بر اثر نظارت در گفتگوها و مشاجرات نمایندگان نفرتی عمیق از دموکراسی دروغین در خود احساس کرد. در این زمان دیکنز جوان عاشق دختر زیبای یکی از مدیران بانک شد. خاطره این عشق موجب پیدایش یکی از قهرمانان داستان دیوید کاپرفیلد و بسیاری از چهرههای زنانه دیگر در آثارش گشت. کار چارلز از تندنویسی به روزنامهنگاری و وقایعنویسی انجامید و در این دوره سلسله مقالههای مصور و هجوآمیز از زندگی روزانه مردم انگلستان منتشر کرد که بسیار مورد توجه قرار گرفت.
این مقالهها بعدها در کتابی بهنام "طرحهای باز" Sketches by Boz در 1835 انتشار یافت که اولین کتاب دیکنز به شمار میآمد. دیکنز در این زمان با سه خواهر زیبا آشنا شد و با یکی از آنان به نام "کاترین هوگارث" Catherine Hogarth ازدواج کرد. خواهر دیگر به نام مری Mary که علاقهای برادرانه با دیکنزیافته بود،مدتی بعد مرد! مرگ مری، دیکنز را بسیار آشفته حال کرد، با وجود این سومین خواهر یعنی جورجینا Georgina نیز که در کانون خانوادگی دیکنز بزرگ میشد، به نوبه خود نفوذ زنانه عمیقی بر سراسر زندگی چارلز باقی گذارد. پیروزی طرحهای باز موجب شد که از طرف ناشر سفارش یک سلسله نوشته دیگر به دیکنز داده شود و بدین طریق "یادداشتهای بازمانده باشگاه پیکویک" The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club نوشته شد که ابتدا در روزنامهها و سپس در 1837 به صورت کتاب منتشر گشت. دیکنز در این اثر سرگذشت آقای پیکویک رئیس باشگاه و همچنین قصههایی از افراد مختلف و عجیب دیگر را با خصوصیتها و آداب و رسومشان بیان کرده و با قدرت تخیل خویش مخلوقهایی بدیع آفریده است.
در این اثر صفحهای نیست که در آن شیوه نقل کامل و درخشان به کار نرفته باشد. دیکنز با این اثر ناگهان به شهرت رسید و وضع مالیش بهبود یافت و همینکه به دنیای ادب کشیده شد، با فعالیت و نیروی خلاقه شگفتانگیزش پی در پی رمانهای جذابی به مردم انگلستان عرضه کرد که همه با بیانی انتقادآمیز و هجوی تند از جامعه همراه بود. چارلز، نویسندهای که در کودکی رنج بسیار برده و مزه تلخ فقر را چشیده و نامهربانیها از خانواده خود دیده و در دوره جوانی در شغل تندنویسی و خبرنگاری با دقت به همه چیز گوش فراداده و با بینشی عمیق به همه چیز نگریسته، پس از آنکه به عالم نویسندگی وارد شد، به توصیف و بیان دردهای جامعه پرداخت- دردهایی که درد خود او بوده است.
در 1838 رمان "الیورتویست" Oliver Twist انتشار یافت که قبلاً به صورت جزوههایی منتشر میشد. دیکنز در این اثر نشان میدهد که جنایت چگونه به وجود میآید و زندگی آدمی چگونه در معرض خطر قرار میگیرد. وی قصد دارد با این روش، تصور غلطی را که تا آن روز در ذهن رماننویسها از عالم جنایت وجود داشته، باطل کند. در همین سال "حوادث زندگی نیکولاس نیکلبی" The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby انتشار یافت که سودجویی اجحافآمیز بازرگانان را در تغذیه شاگردان مدارس یورکشایر Yorkshire نشان میدهد که به مرگ عدهای از کودکان بر اثر گرسنگی میانجامد –وضعی که دیکنز خود به خوبی درک میکند و حتی در بعضی از صحنههای کتاب از تجربه شخصی سود میجوید. در این اثر دیکنز با قدرت خارقالعاده، نه تنها موفق شده است که از قهرمانان برجسته داستان تصویرهای دقیق بسازد، بلکه از سلسله اشخاصی که هریک به نحوی با زندگی او رابطهای مییابد و همچنین از محلههای لندن وصفهای زیبا و گاه حزنانگیز به عمل آورد. در 1840 "دکان سمساری" The old Curisity Shop منتشر شد.
دختری جوان با پدربزرگ پیرش در دکان غمانگیز و در میان اشیای کهنه و در محیط غبارآلود و غمگرفتهای که با جوانی او تضادی عجیب دارد، به سر میبرد. دختر با فداکاری از پدربزرگ مراقبت میکند و بر اثر حوادث و بدبختیهایی که به ورشکستگی پدربزرگ میانجامد و بر اثر فشار طلبکاران که مغازه را توقیف میکنند، همراه او میگریزد. این دو مدتها از ترس گرفتار شدن، از این سو به آن سو سرگردان و آواره میمانند تا سرانجام به کلبه محقری در کنار کلیسایی پناه میبرند، اما محرومیت و رنج و سرشکستگی، دخترک را از پای درمیآورد و به مرگ میکشاندش، چیزی نمیگذرد که پدربزرگ نیز به او میپیوندد. دیکنز موجود پاک و باصفا و فداکاری را پیش چشم میگذارد که در دنیایی نفرتانگیز به رنج و مرگ محکوم میگردد، دنیایی که در آن روابط عمیق انسانی رو به انهدام گذارده و روش استثماری و سرمایهداری دوزخی مرگبار پدید آورده است. رمان تاریخی "بارنبی راج" Barnaby Rudge (1841) درباره شورشهای ضدپاپ در 1780 قرار دارد. دیکنز در 1840 به امریکا سفر کرد و انتظار داشت که در این سرزمین، با دموکراسی واقعی روبرو شود، اما برخلاف امیدهایش به اصول بردهفروشی و ستمگری و سودجویی و اموری که به کلی با حقوق فردی مغایرت داشت، برخورد و در بازگشت به انگلستان "یادداشتهای امریکایی" American Notes را در 1842 و "ماجراهای زندگی مارتین چزلویت" The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit را در 1844 انتشار داد که هجوی تند و نیرومند از ریاکاری و تسلط اهریمنی پول بر عالم انسانیت و خودخواهی در زندگی امریکایی بود. دیکنز در 1845 به ایتالیا سفر کرد، بر سر راه به پاریس رفت و با پذیرایی گرمی روبرو شد، اما این سفر او را از وضع اجتماعی کشورش منصرف نکرد.
در ایتالیا رمان "سرود نوئل" A christmas Carol را نوشت که در 1843 منتشر شد و اشارهای صریح به عصیان جامعه بود. کتاب، موفقیت چشمگیری به دست آورد. دیکنز پس از گذراندن دورهای ملالتبار از نو به رمان بزرگی دست زد که در زمینه تحلیل روانی و اخلاقی بشر پیشرفت آشکاری را نشان میداد. رومان "دامبی و پسر" Dombey and Son (1848) مکافات خودپسندی و سرمایهداری نامعقول و سرشار از قساوت و کینهوری را در زندگی اشرافی قدیم نشان میدهد. دیکنز مدتی خارج از انگلستان به سر برد و از دور ناظر انقلابی بود که در کشورش در شرف تکوین بود. "نامهها" Letter این دوره از زندگی او را نشان میدهد. دیکنز که سراسر عمر را در وسوسه کودکی میگذراند، در 1849 رمان "دیوید کاپرفیلد" David Copperfield را منتشر کرد، که نوعی زندگینامه نویسنده است و به صورت اول شخص مفرد نقل شده و از نظر خود او بر سایر آثارش رجحان یافته است. کمتر اثری مانند دیوید کاپرفیلد توانسته است تا این حد از نزدیک حوادث واقعی و تکان دهنده زندگی کودک بینوایی را تجسم بخشد.
دیوید کاپرفیلد شاهکار دیکنز است و به طور کامل محاسن و معایب او را در پرده نقاشی ستایشانگیزی ترسیم میکند. داستان "خانه غمزده" Bleak House (1853) هجو تند و نیرومندی است از اشتباهات قضایی و مخارج گزاف و خانه خرابکن دادگاهها که به ورشکستگی و مرگ قهرمان کتاب و عده دیگری از اشخاص داستان منجر میگردد. دیکنز از طرفی انسانی دموکرات به شمار میآمد و از طرفی تحت تأثیر عقاید خرافی طبقه خویش قرار داشت. این تضادها سرچشمه رمان "روزگار سختی" Hard Times (1854) گشت که وضع دشوار کارگران و ارتباط آنان با کارفرمایان و رفتار غیرانسانی را که مولود زندگی صنعتی است، پیش چشم میگذارد. در 1855 دختری که روزی عشق دیکنز را در جوانی به علت فقر و بینوایی رد کرده بود، بار دیگر در زندگی او ظاهر میشود، به او نامه مینویسد و دیکنز با او قرار ملاقات میگذارد، اما از دیدن زنی چاق و اطواری که جای آن دختر زیبا و دلفریب را گرفته بود، سرخورده میشود و از این دیدار مسخرهآمیز برای نوشتن کتاب "دوریت کوچولو" Little Dorrit مایه میگیرد. این کتاب (1857) مانند معمول بر زمینه کشمکشی روانی و اجتماعی قرار داشت، همچنین مبارزهای را بر ضد عوامل مخرب دموکراسی و ویرانکننده مذهب و امور دیگر نشان میداد. در 1857 دیکنز به هنرپیشه جوانی برخورد به نام "الین ترنان" Ellen Ternan و چنان عشقی از او در دل گرفت که از رعایت آداب و رسوم چشم پوشید، از همسرش با ده فرزند جدا شد و با الین که در واقع علاقهای به او نداشت، زندگی مشترکی پیش گرفت و از بیوفایی او رنج بسیار برد.
این رنج در کتاب "آرزوهای بزرگ" Great Expectations در سه جلد (1861) و "دوست مشترک ما" Our Mutuel Friend (1865) منعکس میشود که نمودار خطوط برجسته و تازهای از عواطف و ارتباط نویسنده با زن است. دوست مشترک ما آخرین اثر کامل دیکنز است. پس از آن فعالیت شگرف و چرخ گردنده وجود او ناگهان از کار بازایستاد و به صورت دیگری خودنمایی کرد. به نوبت این مجله یا آن مجله را اداره میکرد. کتاب "اسرار ادوین درود" The Mystery of Edwin Drood در 1870 نوشته شد که به سبب مرگ نویسنده ناتمام ماند.
شیوه واقعبینی و واقعنگاری دیکنز لحنی پرجاذبه و مردمپسند دارد. سبک نوشتههایش نافذ، مطایبهآمیز، عرفانی،انسانی و خیالانگیز است که از زندگی خصوصی وی تأثیر پذیرفته است. ساختمان داستانهای دیکنز در وهله اول به نظر عجیب میآید، موضوعها متفاوت و گسترده است. در آغاز هرداستان دو یا سه نکته پرتحرک بیهیچ ارتباط آشکاری به چشم میخورد. اشخاص تازه و فراوان بلاانقطاع از گوشه و کنار وارد صحنه داستان میشوند، اما قدرت عظیم و خلاقه دیکنز پردههای نقاشی وسیعی از زندگی پیش چشم ما میگسترد که همه چیز را نیرومند و جاندار میسازد و در همه آنها ذوق نمایشی فراوان دیده میشود. هیچ نویسنده انگلیسی نتوانسته است چون دیکنز دنیایی گوناگون با خصوصیتهای متمایز از بیرحمی و رنج و مسخرگی بسازد یا مانند او چنین قانعکننده بیعدالتیها و ستمگریهایی که از طرف اشخاص بزرگ بر کودکان وارد میشود، در نظر مجسم کند. دیکنز محبوبترین و به قول عدهای بزرگترین نویسنده انگلستان است.
ارتیاط روحی با چارلز دیکنز
چارلز دیکنز در سال ۱۸۷۰ بدرود حیات گفت و برای همیشه علاقه مندان خود را تنها گذاشت . این در حالی بود که اخرین داستان خود را بنام " اوودین دروود" هنوز به پایان نرسانده بود . هنگامیکه مرگ می اید کاری به رمان و داستان ندارد برای او نام ها و مقام ها معنا ندارد . اما این داستان به شکل عجیبی نوشته شد و بپایان رسید . بین سالهای ۱۸۷۲ و ۱۸۷۳ یک آمریکائی بنام " ت . ب . جیمس " از طریق مکاتبه مخصوص و با کمک یک واسطه روحی توانست با روح چارلز دیکنز ارتباط برقرار کرده و کتاب نیمه تمام او را بپایان برساند . این کتاب در ۱۲۰۰ صفحه در سال ۱۸۷۴ انتشار پیدا کرد , نکته جالب این بود که تمام ادیبان و نویسندگانی که با سبک نویسندگی چارلز دیکنز اشنا بودند, همه باور کردند که این داستان توسط خود چارلز دیکنز بپایان رسیده , حتا یکی از دوستان او در مصاحبه ای گفت : روزی با چارلز دیکنز درباره داستانی که داشت می نوشت, صحبت میکردیم . او خلاصه ای از آنچه را که در ذهنش بود برایم بازگو کرد . من با خواندن این کتاب با اطمینان میگویم : این همان داستانی است که اگر خود دیکنز زنده بود مینوشت !! این کتاب تا امروز بارها تجدید چاپ شده و نام واسطه روحی او در مقدمه کتاب برای همیشه نقش بسته!!
الیور تویست به روایت چارلز دیکنز (1870-1812 م )
الیور تویست در واقع ادعا نامه ای است که چارلز دیکنز علیه فساد آن روز انگلستان می نویسد." (چهره های درخشان.ج-2) داستانی که در آن نه تنها فساد اجتماعی که رذالت انسان های آن عصر و پاکی نهان در لایه های گم شده جامعه به وضوح مشهود است. روایت دیکنز با تولد غریبانه الیور و مرگ مادرش آغاز می شود و سپس به زندگی سخت او در نوان خانه می پردازد، دیکنز با ایجاد فضای واقعی یک نوان خانه و اتفاقات آن سعی می کند رنجی که کودکانی نظیر الیور می برند را به تصویر بکشد. سپس الیور که به غذای کم نوان خانه اعتراض دارد فروخته می شود ابتدا به یک دودکش پاک کن و سپس به یک خانواده، سخت گیری ها و اهانت های آن خانواده موجب فرار او به لندن می شود. در لندن است که اصل ماجرا آغاز می شود. الیور با دارودسته ی فاگین آشنا می شود و پیش از آن که مانند آن ها به دزدی مشغول شود به اشتباه دستگیر می شود و نزد شاکی خود آقای برانلو که به اشتباه خود پی می برد می ماند اما فاگین و سایکس که دزدی جوان و هم دست فاگین است او را می ربایند و دوباره سعی می کنند الیور را مجبور به دزدی کنند. اما این ظاهر ماجرا است : مانکس که برادر ناتنی الیور است با فاگین که که دیکنز بیش تر از او با نام "یهودی" و "یهودی بد ذات" یاد می کند هم دست شده اند. بر اساس وصیت پدر الیور و مانکس، الیور تنها در حالتی از پدر سهم می برد که فردی درست کار باشد. مانکس فاگین را مامور کرده تا از الیور دزدی بی سروپا بسازد. دیکنز با روایت این داستان و نشان دادن ذات پاک الیور سعی در رساندن این پیام دارد که جامعه به تنهایی نمی تواند حتی در سخت ترین شرایط یک روح و وجدان پاک را به تباهی بکشد. داستان با دستگیری فاگین و سایکس که به قتل نانسی که قصد کمک به الیور را دارد، و سپس اعدام فاگین و مرگ سایکس در خال فرار به پایان می رسد. چند خط پایانی داستان را از قلم دیکنزبرای شما روایت می کنم:
" فاگین خیلی زود به سزای اعمالش رسید . او را محاکمه کردند و بخاطر جنایتهای بی شماری که کرده بود محکوم به اعدام شد. وقتی در انتظار عاقبت دردناک خود در زندان بود ، الیور همراه آقای براونلو به دیدنش رفت .یهودی که از فرط ترس چیزی به دیوانگی اش نمانده بود برای آنکه شاید در آخرین لحظات بتواند با چاپلوسی دل الیور را بدست بیاورد و از او کمک بخواهد ، محل اختفای نامه ی پدر ایور به مادرش را آنها گفت ...این دیدار ، برای الیور ، دیداری وحشتناک و در عین حال بیاد ماندنی بود. آقای برانلو او را آورده بود تا با چشمان خود ، وحشت و خفتی را که یهودی به آن دچار شده بود ، ببیند . و هرگز فراموش نکند که پایان کار جنایتکاران و آنها که بخاطر منافع خود با جان و مال مردم بازی میکنند ، چیست !
فردای آن روز ، نزدیک سپیده ، فاگین را از سلولش بیرون آوردند ودر حضور عده ای از مردم شهر به دار آویختند."
این کلمات عینا ترجمه ی جملات دیکنز در کتاب الیور است. از همین بخش پایانی می توان باید نگاه دیکنز به شخصیت منفری که خود خلق کرده بود یعنی فاگین را در یافته باشید : پیرمردی یهودی، مزور، طماع، که به خاطر منافع خویش زندگی الیور را به بازی گرفته بود ...
شاعر دهقانان، مخالف مدرنیته و جهانوطنی
سارا ارمنی
جان اف. کندی حضور رابرت فراست (نفر مقابل سمت راست) را گرامی میدارد. |
در عکسی از سال 1962، در حالی که رابرت فراست (Robert Frost)
، شاعر دهقانان آمریکایی، شعر میخواند، جان اف کندی، رئیسجمهور تازهمنتخب آن زمان هم پای تریبون در میان سایر نمایندهگان دموکرات نشسته و افتخار میکند که در مراسم سوگندخوری ریاستجمهوریاش، شاعر ملی قرن بیستم آمریکا شرکت دارد. رابرت فراست، خلاف دو شاعر دیگر یعنی اِزرا پاند و الیوت، نه تنها مخالف جهانوطنی شاعر، بلکه ضدمدرنیته نیز بود و میگفت که شعر مدرن سرودن، مانند بازی تنیس در زمین بدون تور است. و برای این که منتقدان ادبی او را به حال خود بگذارند و دست از سرش بردارند، در بارهی اشعارش گفته بود: "طنز مناسبترین نوع بزدلیست و شعر لحظهای در جنون توقف کردن است." به این دلیل، شعر او هیچ گاه موضوعی برای کار منتقدان نشد و نظرشان را جلب یا تحریک نکرد. پرای شلی، شاعر انگلیسی گفته بود که شاعران، قانونگذاران به رسمیت شناخته نشدهی زمان خود هستند. فراست تنها شاعر آمریکاییست که تیراژ فروش کتابهای شعرش حتا بیش از تیراژ رمانهای به فروش رفتهی سرگرمکنندهی آن زمان شد. او خود را شاعر تمام اقشار مردم آمریکا میدانست. وی چهار بار جایزهی پولیتزر را از آن خود کرد و چهل و چهار مرتبه از دانشگاههای مختلف دکترای افتخاری گرفت. اشعار او دهها سال است که به صورت جملات قصار بین مردم، دهان به دهان و یا سینه به سینه میگردند.
در پاسخ به دیگران که شعر او را رئالیستی نامیدند، نوشت: "دو نوع رئالیسم وجود دارد، یکی این که انسان سیبزمینی را تمیز نشده و با پوست و گل به مهمانها تعارف کند تا دیگران ببینند که آنها واقعی و اصیل هستند، و دیگری آنها را تمیز میکند و سپس به مردم تعارف میکند. به نظر من، هنر باید موجب نظافت ناپاکیهای زندهگی گردد تا فرم و ظاهر آن آشکار شود. او خود را نیمی شاعر نیمی کشاورز، و نیمی معلم میدانست. منتقدی در بارهاش نوشت که اشعارش انقلابی هستند، چون او از شعار دادن و سخنسراییهای پرمدعا پرهیز میکند، یعنی آنها آتش و شدت آرام و خموش احساسات انسانی را نشان میدهند. فراست کوشید تا زبان عامیانهی دوستان و همسایهگان را وارد شعر کند. امروزه اشعار او را آثاری مردمی و رئالیستی در جامعهی کشاورزان شرق آمریکا به شمار میآورند. شاعر در نظر فراست یعنی کسی که زندهگی را شرح دهد، چون شعر خوب را باید در خود زندهگی جست. اهل ادب اشعار او را پیشنهاداتی میدانند که تجربیات زندهگی را منتقل میکنند نه شرح و تفسیرهایی کامل از آن. در بارهی فراست گفته میشود که او توانست روح و فرهنگ ملت خود را به شکل عمیقی به زبان شعر بیان کند. فراست با اشعار سادهی عامیانهاش یکی از محبوبترین شاعران آمریکایی زمان خود شد. او به موضوعات دهقانی و چوپانی زمان خود با کمک زبانی جدید و ساده، شکل تازهای بخشید. از جمله آرزوهای ادبیاش این بود که آهنگ و تن صدای سخنگو را وارد شعر کند.
گرچه فراست با اشعاری تجربهگرایانه آغاز کرد، مدرنیستها او را آخرین بازماندهی شعر سنتی قرن نوزده آمریکا و یکی از شاعران پیش از مدرن محلی - ولایتی نامیدند. او گرچه ضدمدرن، ولی یک سنتگرای نوخواه است. گرچه ظاهر اشعارش سنتی هستند، ولی او اهمیت خاصی به فرم در شعر میداد. در تاریخ ادبیات غرب، او را کنار ماریا ریلکه و پل والری، از جمله شاعران فیلسوفمنش قرن بیستم میدانند. از جمله صفات هر سهشان، اهمیت به مسؤولیت شاعر و نقش شعر در جامعه بود. آنها خلاف شاعران آغاز قرن گذشته، شعر را بالاترین فرم بیان روشنفکری، روشنگری و مسؤولیت اجتماعی میدانستند. بخش مهم اشعار فراست در بارهی فعالیتهای کشاورزان و امور خانهگیست، یعنی دیوار و حصار و پرچین ساختن دور باغ و خانه و طویله و چراگاه، و در بارهی تیزی ارههای درختبری، صدای خشخش برگهای چنار و افرا، بانگ خروس صبحگاهی همسایه، عوعو شبانهی سگها، ترتر تراکتورهای گازوئیلی، شیههی عصرانهی اسبها و مادیانها و ... . در اشعار فکری – عارفانهاش، خواننده شاهد مونولوگ و دیالوگ، روایت دراماتیک، و شرح متلهای کلیله و دمنهای میشود. او به سبک نویسندهگان ادبیات چوپانی دوران باستان، یعنی به تقلید از تئوکریت، ویرژیل و یا به سبک تورئو به سرودن اشعار گلهداران و چوپانان شرق آمریکا پرداخت. تمایل به شرح جزئیات، ظرافتها و واضحات زندهگی، موجب محبوبیت مردمی او گردید، گرچه او مهمترین ابزار شعر را، استعاره میدانست. فراست میگفت که شاعر باید حداقل چند شعر سروده باشد که به جای مناسبی برای همیشه بچسبند و ابدی شوند. در نظر مورخان ادبیات، او به این هدف خود رسید، چون غالب اشعارش در حافظهی مردم روستایی آن زمان آمریکا جا گرفتند. بر خلاف درخشش ظاهری و بشاشیت زندهگی، فراست اعتراف کرد که سالها دچار غم و یأس و تیرهگی در زندهگی بود و دائم به جنون و خودکشی فکر میکرد. گرچه در شعرش خواننده شاهد تنهایی، طنز سیاه و بدبینیست، ولی آنها سخن از عشق به زندهگی و مبارزه در آن میدهند. گروه دیگری اشعار او را شیپور پیام ترس نامیدند که وحشت و خطر را در گوش خواننده زمزمه میکنند.
رابرت فراست |
رابرت فراست در سال 1873 به دنیا آمد و در سال 1963 در سن 88 سالهگی درگذشت. پدر و مادرش هر دو معلم روستایی بودند، ولی او در 11 سالگی پدر را از دست داد و دچار فقر و گرسنهگی گردید و مجبور شد به شغلهای کفاشی، مرغداری، کشاورزی، معلمی و روزنامهنگاری بپردازد. سرانجام بعد از موفقیت در امر نویسندهگی، با کمک سرمایهی بهدست آمده، او کشاورز شد و مزرعهای خرید. محبوبیت و شهرت او باعث شد تا کندی او را در سال 1962 جهت دیداری دوستانه و فرهنگی به شوروی بفرستد.
فراست را سالها صدای آمریکا یا شاعر ملی عصر نو در آمریکا نامیدند. اشعار او همچون سقراط طنزگوی، بخشی از کتابخانههای خصوصی و خانوادهگی عصر کندی گردیدند. ازرا پاند نخستین بار به معرفی او پرداخت و او را شاعری باوجدان نامید و موجب معروفیتاش شد، اما فراست غیر از کشورهای انگلیسی زبان، در سایر کشورهای اروپایی، توجهی را به خوذ جلب نکرد. فراست از ادعاهای جهانوطن بودن الیوت و پاند تعجب میکرد. او با تحسین از سادهگی انسان و دهقانان خالق ارزشها، به تحقیر تحصیلات آکادمیک و تئوریک پرداخت. دفاع از برابری و دموکراسی باعث شد تا اقشاری از مردم آمریکا او را سخنگوی ایدهآلهای خود بهشمار آورند. امروزه تأثیر او را میتوان بر شاعرانی مانند آدریانه ریچ و دانلد هال مشاهده کرد. صاحبنظری نوشت که فراست و هاردی دو شاعری هستند که نسل نویسندهی جوان آمریکا باید حتما آنها را مطالعه کند. فراست با تکیه بر شکاکی زبان، ولی خوشبینانه، به عملگرایی امرسن انتقاد کرد و وحدت انسان با طبیعت را آرزویی رمانتیک نامید و میگفت طبیعت باید وسیله و رسانهای برای تحقیق در بارهی انسان شود.
از جمله آثار او میتوان درخت شاهد، فاصلهی بین کوهها، پروانهی من، دو مجموعه شعر، از جمله عواقب دیگر، آنچه یک جوان میخواهد و ... هستند. اولین شعر منتشر شدهی او «پروانهی من» بود و اولین کتاب چاپشدهاش «آنچه یک جوان میخواهد» نام داشت. کتاب «فاصلهی بین کوهها» شامل مشهورترین اشعار اوست. بعد از معرفی و نقد جلد دوم اشعارش، یعنی «شمال شهر بوستون» او در آمریکا مشهور شد و این کتاب یکی از آثار پرفروش سال گردید. یکی از اشعارش در بارهی دیوار و حصار بین انسانهاست و معتقد است که حصارهای زیبا و عادلانه باعث همسایهگیهای نیکومنش بین انسانها میشوند. اشارهی فراست به دو کتاب مورد علاقهاش: «دریاچهی والدن» و «رابینسون کروزه»، نشان میدهد که او چهگونه با کمک جزئیات و مسائل روزمره، میخواهد به بینهایت و ابدیت در افکار و هدف خود برسد.
WHEN you are old and gray and full of sleep
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true;
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face.
And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead,
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream--and not make dreams your master;
If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings--nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run--
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my son!