العجل الجعل یا مولا یا صاحب الزمان
فـرا رسیدن
نیمه شـعـبان , میلاد یگانه منجی عالم بشریت , حضرت ولی عصر (عج ) را به شما تبریک و تحـنیت عـرض می نمایم.لعنت به یوم جانگ نمک نشناس.
آدم باید دشمنش رو ببخشه اما نباید به او اعتماد کنه و اونو به حریم شخصی خودش راه بده.
رسول اکرم صلىاللهعلیهوآله
امام على علیهالسلام :
اَلتَّوَکُلُّ عَلَى اللّهِ نَجاةً مِنْ کُلِّ سوءٍ وَحِرْزٌ مِنْ کُلِّ عَدُوٍّ؛
توکل بر خداوند، مایه نجات از هر بدى و محفوظ بودن از هر دشمنى است.
امام على علیهالسلام :
مَنْ تَوکَّلَ عَلَى اللّهِ ذَلَّتْ لَهُ الصِّعابُ وَتَسَهَّلَتْ عَلَیْهِ الأَْسْبابِ؛
هر کس به خدا توکل کند، دشوارى ها براى او آسان مى شود و اسباب برایش فراهم مى گردد.
رسول اکرم صلىاللهعلیهوآله :
مَنْ تَوَکَّلَ عَلَى اللّهِ کَفاهُ مَؤنَتَهُ وَرِزْقَهُ مِنْ حَیْثُ لایَحْتَسِبُ؛
هر کس به خدا توکل کند، خداوند هزینه او را کفایت مى کند و از جایى که گمان نمى برد به او روزى مى دهد.
امام صادق علیهالسلام :
إِنَّ الغِنى وَالْعِزَّ یَجولانِ فَإِذا ظَفِرا بِمَوْضِعِ التَّوَکُّلِ أَوْ طَنا؛
بى نیازى و عزّت به هر طرف مى گردند و چون به جایگاه توکل دست یافتند در آنجا قرار مى گیرند.
امام باقر علیهالسلام :
مَنْ تَوَکَّلَ عَلَى اللّهِ لایُغْلَبُ وَمَنِ اعْتَصَمَ بِاللّهِ لایُهْزَمُ؛
هر کس به خدا توکل کند، مغلوب نشود و هر کس به خدا توسل جوید، شکست نخورد.
رسول اکرم صلىاللهعلیهوآله :
اَلتَّوَکُّلُ بَعْدَ الْکَیْسِ مَؤْعِظَةٌ؛
توکّل کردن (به خدا) بعد از به کار بردن عقل، خود موعظه است.
رسول اکرم صلىاللهعلیهوآله :
اَلطِّیَرَةُ شِرْکُ وَمامِنّا إِلاّ وَلکِنَّ اللّهَ یُذْهِبُهُ بِالتَّوَکُّلِ؛
فال بد زدن شرک است وهیچکس ازمانیست مگراینکه به نحوى دستخوش فال بد زدن مى شود، اما خداوند با توکل به او آن را از بین مى برد.
رسول اکرم صلىاللهعلیهوآله :
رَأى رَسولُ اللّهِ صلىاللهعلیهوآله قَوْما لا یَزْرَعونَ قالَ: ما أَنْتُمْ؟ قالوُا: نَحْنُ الْمُتَوَکِّلونَ، قالَ: لا، بَلْ أَنْتُمْ المُتَّکِلونَ؛
رسول اکرم صلى الله علیه وآله گروهى را که کشت و کار نمى کردند، دیدند و فرمودند: شما چه کاره اید؟ عرض کردند ما توکل کنندگانیم. فرمودند: نه، شما سر بارید.
امام کاظم علیهالسلام :
لَمّا سُئِلَ عَنْ قَوْلِهِ تَعالى: (وَمَنْ یَتَوَکَّلْ عَلَى اللّهِ فَهُوَ حَسْبُهُ) ـ : اَلتَّوَکُّلُ عَلَى اللّهِ دَرَجاتٌ، مِنْها أَنْ تَتَوَکَّلَ عَلَى اللّهِ فى اُمورِکَ کُلِّها فَما فَعَلَ بِکَ کُنْتَ عَنْهُ راضیا تَعْلَمُ اءَنَّهُ لایَألوکَ خَیْرا وَفَضْلاً وَتَعْلَمُ أَنَّ الْحُکْمَ فى ذلِکَ لَهُ فَتَوَکَّلْ عَلَى اللّهِ بِتَفویضِ ذلِکَ إِلَیْهِ وَثِقْ بِهِ فیها وَفى غَیْرِها؛
در پاسخ به سؤال از آیه «و هر کس به خدا توکل کند او براى وى بس است» توکل کردن بر خدا درجاتى دارد: یکى از آنها این است که در تمام کارهایت به خدا توکل کنى و هر چه با تو کرد از او خشنود باشى و بدانى که او نسبت به تو از هیچ خیر و تفضّلى کوتاهى نمى کند و بدانى که در این باره حکم، حکم اوست، پس با واگذارى کارهایت به خدا بر او توکل کن و در آن کارها و دیگر کارها به او اعتماد داشته باش.
یَقولُ اللّهُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ ما مِنْ مَخْلوقٍ یَعْتَصِمُ دونى إِلاّ قَطَعْتُ أسْبابَ السَّماواتِ وَأسبابَ الأَْرْضِ مِنْ دونِهِ فَإِنْ سَأَلَنى لَمْ اُعْطِهِ وَإِنْ دَعانى لَمْ اُجِبْهُ؛
خداوند عزوجل مى فرماید: هیچ مخلوقى نیست که به غیر من پناه ببرد، مگر این که دستش را از اسباب و ریسمانهاى آسمانها و زمین کوتاه کنم، پس اگر از من بخواهد عطایش نکنم و اگر مرا بخواند جوابش ندهم.
1. بحارالأنوار 78/79/56 | 2. غررالحکم 5/425/9028 | 3. کنزالعمال 3/103/5693 | 4. کافى 2/65/3 | 5. جامع الأخبار ص322 |
6. کنزالعمال 3/103/5696 | 7. سنن ابن ماجه 2/1170/3538 | 8. مستدرکالوسائل 11/217/12789 | 9. کافى 2/65/5 | 10. امالى طوسى 585/1210 |
Ready for Romance 1986Save Me - Don't Break Me
If you break my heart
A heart that ever, babe, loves you
How can you mistreat ?
They want your love
It's so true, I love you
Stay with me tonight
A heart will fall in love, that's right
Oh, I never can lose
I can never lose this old game
It's the same
Forever and ever again
Baby, save me - don't break me
Be my forever, lady
Hold me - don't break me
Be tonight my love
Save me, please don't break me
Oh baby, never fool me
Save me, or you lose me
You'll never, babe, deceive me
You're the one I want
Oh you need love, like I do
You can hurt me more then I'll never babe feel brand new
That it's true
My heart belongs to you
And my heart cries just for you
Oh, I'll never can lose this old game
It's the same
Forever and ever again
Only Love Can Break My Heart
You're walking like an angel in heaven
In the night I see an angel in you
In my lonely dreams I count to seven
And I call you baby
Know that it is true
When you're young and in love
It's too hot to stop
Young and in love
You never give up
Only love can break my heart
It's tearing me apart
Now I never feel brand new
Only love can break my heart
Playing it's so hard
Nobody love's me like you do
Only love can break my heart
It's time to make a start
Babe, I love you without end
Only love can break my heart
You'll make it if you start
Babe, take me as your friend
Your feelings are tossing and turning
You have to love to pay the right price
Your lonely heart keeps on burning
But an angel will hear many lies
When you're young and in love
It's too hot to stop
Young and in love
You can never give up
In Shaire
You're hunting me
In the night and in your fantasy
It's the sign of the gypsy queen
An endless dream
You're hunting me
I feel the need
I never felt love so deep
Love is so dangerous, mysterious
I try to win, baby
Oh, in shaire
You won't have my love for free
You are selling frozen tears
A journey to my heart and fears in shaire
In shaire you will play a game with me
You are stealing memories
My heartbeat is a loving beat in shaire
In shaire you try
Breaking the rules - make white doves cry
In shaire I know
All your love will come and go
When I say you will take all my feelings away
In shaire
You're hunting me
Winning games of the night I see
Loving you such is such a thrill
You make me feel
You're hunting me
You're holding me
I'm lost in a lonely sea
And behind your painted smile
You're a child
Try to win, baby
Stranded in The Middle of Nowhere
Show me a dream of love
Without her love I'm lost
Good love never dies
Angels never fly so high
I'm dreaming, dreaming
Coming back to me
I'm stranded in the middle of nowhere, take care
I'm stranded in a struggle of my dreams, it seems
Baby, oh I need you more
Like roses need the rain
Baby, oh I need you more
Come and take my hand
Harder I try, bluer I get
Don't leave me alone - I'm sad
Oh, I find my home
Right back where I started from
I'm dreaming, dreaming
Coming back to me
I'm stranded
Nobody cries, time's on my side
I'm stranded
I don't know where but you're not there
I'm stranded
Playing the fool, breaking the rules
I'm stranded
Take up your hand, make me a friend
Ten Thousand Lonely Drums
You're breaking my paradise
Hearing an echo cry
Don't be fool for stealing hearts
Dreamland at your fate
You never find your way
Don't be fool for tears of love
All precious memories, you had through the years
All they are passing one by one
You kill the memories
Wave off the pain and tears
Baby, together we are strong
10000 lonely drums
Are playing in my heart
10000 drums of dreaming fell apart
10000 drums are playing just for you
10000 drums are saying I'm missing you
Oh, my drums
They're playing in your mind
Thinking of endless lovers
Some too hard
Oh my drums
I never let you go
They give the mimic of a lonely drum
Like a hero will smile again
If you will play this game
Don't be a thief for stealin' hearts
Like all the thousand smiles
It takes a little while
Don't be fool for tears I love
Welcome to paradise
If you will realize
Then passing one by one
You kill the memories
Wave off the pain and fears
Baby, together we are strong
Lonely Tears in Chinatown
A broken heart - a pillow filled with tears
It was hot, babe, hot through all the years
Everybody needs someone to hold
Never thought that heaven can be cold
When you call me baby
I'll be there
A penny for your thoughts - oh to care
Lonely tears in chinatown
Are too danger-, dangerous
You can have this love for free
Lonely tears in chinatown
Are too danger-, dangerous
If you're ready, go with me
His love is ...
You can have the best for free
His love is ...
Come on, take the rest of me
Tonight did what
It means to be so young
When two hearts are beating
Just as one
Our love can go a long, long way
There's nothing left for me to say
Nobody makes me crazy, like you do
Take the starts out of the sky for you
And The Angels Sing in New York City
See all stars - so fine tonight
And the old nightingale is flying tonight
To my dreams
Here are the birds so quiet tonight
And titanic is calling an echo of love
To your heart
And it hurts so much
But I have to go
Oh, it hurts so much
'cause you have to know
And the angels sing in new york city
Do what I wanna do
And the angels sing, they sound so pretty
Baby, I'm missing you
Do you need love?
Hey, I see the albatros
Do you feel love ?
Hey man in the stars above
Do you need love ?
Titanic - an echo of love.....
I'm a million miles from home
And the fire of mountains are calling tonight
To my dreams
Don't let the stars get in your eyes
And the lonely dreamer is crying tonight
In your dreams
And it hurts so much
But I have to go
Oh, it hurts so much
'cause you have to know
Geronimo's Cadillac
I wanna share my dreams
Wanna share with you
On the wings of love
Like dreamers do
Touch your heart -
You're the queen of broken hearts
Oh we are daytime friends and nightime fools
Wanna play this game
And break the rules
Tears of love are frozen tears
Geronimo's cadillac
Is making all girls turn mad
Geronimo has a heart - oh it's a drag
Geronimo's cadillac
Is making all girls turn sad
Geronimo has a heart - oh it's a drag
Geronimo's cadillac it's tossing oh in your head
It's tossing - it's turning
It's burning - it makes you mad
Geronimo's cadillac
Oh baby I'll hold you back
It's tossing and turning
I'ts burning - it makes you sad
I'm looking through the eye's
The eye's of love
Made a fool of me - can't get enough
Touch my heart - boulevard of broken dreams
Another time for love - other place to be
Don't let him take your love
Your love from me
Tears of love are frozen tears
Geronimo's cadillac - is making all girls turn mad.....
Give Me Peace on Earth
Love is easy
Hate is wrong
Find the way, babe
Way back home
Give your heart
Love will never die
Or a little cloud will cry
We're cry
Be a dreamer - be a fool
Come and break all this rules
Better late than never done
For the children
We need a home
Give me peace on earth
Give me all your love
Say, that we won't fighting
For the peace of all
Give me peace on earth
Let the children sing
Give me all your love
For the little children
For the peace of all
Come together - turn a dream
For the children, love is all we need
All the wrongs don't make it right
For the children we will fight
Princess of The Night
Oh, I'm waiting
In the darkness
Hesitating in the darkness
Follow all your shadows in the night
I'm feeling it's burning
The point of no return, babe
It's easy for two
Baby, it's so hard for one
Princess of the night
I'm drowning in the light
Princess of my dreams
'cause fire I feeling
Princess of night
What have you done
Baby, I know our day will come
Princess of night
Princess of day
When the night will fade away
Got a date, babe
With an angel
With a hot child of the city
Follow all your shadows in the night
Oh, somewhere, there's someone
When two hearts are beating as one
It's easy for two
It's so hard for one
Sweet Little Sheila
So sad....
Watch good love go bad
Smoke from a distance
Fire burning me
Oh, babe, the heaven can't wait
I need these hints
I'm feeling.....my heart is appealing
Sweet lady sheila
Do you ? do you really want me ?
Sophisticated lady want me
Sweet little sheila
Do you ? do you really love me ?
She's a different baby to me
I only want sheila
Oh my sheila
Oh, she's precious
Like the sun
I only want sheila
Oh, my sheila
Oh she's foolish
And most fun
Oh, babe
For the promise you made
Be careful they've got storms - you're afraid
Oh, babe
Don't say it's too late
Words can't express my feelings - being
Riding on a White Swan
Secret message - for a rendez-vous
Distant fire - it's hurting you
It's so sad.....
Good love go's bad
Tears of love will make me sad
Frozen teardrops
Running with the night
Sorry does'nt always make it right
Tears of love - tears in my heart
Why did love just break apart - break apart?
I'm riding on a white swan
I need your love tonight
I'm riding through a hard storm
Don't treat me like a child
I'm riding on a white swan
I've got just what you need
I'm riding on a white swan
You've got the best of me
On the wings of a nightingale
Playing games - your love for sale
Then my girl belongs to yesterday
No return - don't lose your way
It's more than just the two of us
Heart is open - come on, trust
Love I gave for your mystic smile
Should I go ? ? ? ? ?
Or stay awhile - stay awhile
I'm riding on a white swan.....